In Ep. 38 we learn a new catchphrase, there's more talk about baked goods, and the Grimms pitch us a few balls and strikes
Part 1 [04:49] - In which we do some clock watching and try to guess what’s really being sold in the Vatican bakery shop
Part 2 [14:44] - In which we repeat ourselves and hear something very scary and very new, and very scary and very new. Teil zwei — !!!
Part 3 [24:09] - In which we discover that the Grimms are ritual elders, and that they’ve absconded with God
Part 4 [38:41] - In which we discover the connection between Martin Luther, Walt Whitman, and the Beatles...and we might even find a connection between grace and pies
[sound of 1930s prop plane engine]
uh oh, here it comes
🎶 The Mummy 🎶
[what kind of crap is this?]
⚠️ Warning! ⚠️
this podcast could be hazardous to your health: the best safeguard, second only to abstinence, is the use of a condom
[I never listen to warnings]]
[me neither]
[when I do listen, in one ear, out the other]
[[have you seen my ear plugs?]
🎶 minced words 🎶
[this is a ridiculous exercise in noise pollution]
🎶 🎹 dramatic organ music 🎹 🎶
🎶 🔔 deep church bell 🔔 🎶
bless me Fader, for I have sinned. It’s been at least 6 weeks since my last episode...
[good evening, I’ve been expecting you]
[would you care for a cup of tea]
I don’t think so Fader... thanks but, uh, no thanks
hey there... welcome back to the Hansel and Gretel Code... this here is Episode 38...
[yeah, we’re ready to rock, we’re ready to roll]
[I hope your medical insurance is up to date]
[uh oh]
[this is gonna suck]
we discovered the most likely reason the imposter syndrome is so prevalent in our culture...
it’s because so many of us have been passive-aggressively forced by the culture to live the wrong Typology...
[what the fuck does that mean?]
I explained all that in the last episode, but let’s just say it has everything to do with Frau Holzhacker’s treatment of her 2 children...
[you can’t be serious]
hey, that’s why we have this fairytale in the first place... because so many of us are suffering the effects of that same cultural attitude Frau Holzhacker represents...
[what’s that?]
this story explains exactly what that is but only symbolically, you know, between the lines... which is how the story speaks to our Intuition and Feeling... the 2 Functions of Consciousness that have been condemned, and banished to the Unconscious by our Culture...
[oh my god this is too heavy, I can’t stand it]
hey, I get it, not everybody believes there’s a hidden meaning in fairytales... and even fewer people are interested in sussing out that meaning... our culture values the Thinking and Sensate functions above all, and that’s the part of us that hates metaphor and poetry, and prefers straight up, common sense-ical, literal facts...
that’s not how I roll or how I’m wired... so I have a hard time giving that logical side of us something satisfying to sink it’s teeth into...
[thinking not your strong point, dear?]
well, guilty as charged... in my Typology, the Thinking function spends an awful lot of time in the Unconscious... but unlike Frau Holzhacker, I’m not trying to get rid of it... I do my best to keep paying attention to it... and keep it supplied with uh, food for thought...
[oh, I’m starving]
in this episode we’re gonna have a little bite to eat and maybe find out what we’re all really hungry for...
[sounds good to me, Curtis]
[do we have any cheetos?]
PART ONE [04:49]
Teil eins:
In which we do some clock watching and try to guess what’s really being sold in the Vatican bakery shop
[Factory Baked cookies, crackers, snack cakes. Factory baked goodness in every little bite.]
let’s sample the next line of the fairy tale:
[I am Enzo. The Baker.]
uh, sorry... wrong fairytale...
„Die Kinder setzen sich an das Feuer, und jedes aß sein Stücklein Brot.“
"The children sat down by the fire, and each ate their small slice of bread."
well, literally and, uh, logically, this tells us the kids have food and warmth...
on their own I’m sure they’re capable of gathering more wood to feed the fire, but that little piece of bread is pretty skimpy... without a more consistent supply, just how are they supposed to feed themselves...?
[well, I don’t know]
well that’s what Frau Holzhacker was hoping... that they wouldn’t know how... and that they would eventually starve to death...
of course she wasn’t counting on Hansel’s being such a well-prepared and intuitive boy scout... still, their situation is precarious...
considering those typically perilous lost-in-the-wilderness type survival stories, the kids gotta have luck on their side if they hope to get through this ordeal and make it back home safely...
[true that]
of course when you’ve been victimized by a narcissist, as this little brother and sister have, you need more than luck, and you definitely need more than food...
[oh yeah, like what?]
you need genuine grace, the kind symbolized by our fairytale bread... and you need a helluva lot more of it than that measly slice of bread Frau Holzhacker left them with...
[oh no]
so what about that bread? it seems pretty obvious that it’s connected to Christianity...
by way of the Eucharistic wafer...
it makes both logical and symbolic sense... so maybe the fairytale — or our fairytale author — is telling us that the host, the tiny eucharist wafer, particularly when offered by the narcissistic dogmatism of the Vatican, provides only the smallest bit of spiritual nourishment or grace — in comparison to what the primal Germanic religion once supplied.
[I don’t think so]
hey, the Christian prayer says you need that bread on a daily basis... so if this is the only nourishment the new religion is willing to supply, it’s not only meager, it’s proprietary...
it’s completely dependent on remaining in the further good graces of the pope and Vatican dogma... and look what’s going on: that dogma, which is symbolically connected to Frau Holzhacker, wants to cut them off from any more grace — just like those papal interdictions we mentioned back in Episode 12...
and back then I said we’d eventually discover just what grace is all about... that instead of some nebulous religious abstraction, we’d get to the psychological bottom line of grace, and figure out what the real-deal might actually be...
[alright already, get on with it!]
let’s listen to the Grimms’ revision of this line, because it reflects what they figured the bread was all about...
„Hänsel und Grethel saßen am Feuer, und als der Mittag kam, aß jedes sein Stücklein Brot.“
"Hansel and Grethel sat by the fire, and when noon came, each ate a little piece of bread,"
this is the 1857 version — their 7th and final revision... but right from the get-go... the 1812 first edition... they inserted that ridiculously tiny detail about the time of day...
[ja, ja, it’s okay]
uh, thank you...
Mitttag or noon sounds awfully superfluous... dontcha think...?
and it mostly is... turns out, it’s a subtle reference to religion...
there are plenty of Christian references attached to the bare fact of the noon hour... which, in theologic circles, is known as:
uh no... it’s known as: Sext...
[I like that!]
in Medieval Christianity, the noon hour is Hora Sexta...
i.e. the sixth hour after dawn... and one of the so-called Canonical hours... they included Matins and Vespers and 6 other named hours of the Medieval day and night...
[what’s your point?]
each of them were given over to prayer...
you gotta figure by adding that tiny detail, the Grimms were intent on emphasizing the symbolic aspect of this bread as religious grace... and specifically, a version of grace from down South and across the Alps... the kind that was sold in the Vatican gift shops and exported to Germany through the well-known practice of simony...
[that’s not funny]
still, it doesn’t seem to add much of anything profound or satisfying to our understanding of the story being told between the lines...
we’re already hip to the religious angle of the bread... and just about everything else in the story...
so you gotta figure the Grimms were lobbing another softball clue to everyone who was just starting to enjoy reading between the lines... you know, giving out clues the way the NY Times does with those beginner level crosswords on Monday and Tuesday...
with or without that extra 12 o’clock clue it’s pretty obvious this bread represents religious grace... still, as I keep saying, the very reality of grace has got to be something more tangible and satisfying than any religious abstraction...
[why, why why why?]
I was brought up as a dyed in the wool Catholic, so it never occurred to me to question, or even wonder about the nature of grace... but that’s how culture works... you just naturally assume it’s all good man, and it’s up to you to get with the program...
[of course]
before I started working on this fairytale, there were a whole lotta things I never thought I’d be wondering about or questioning or just interested in learning about...
so now that I am wondering about grace... couldn’t — or maybe better, shouldn’t — this bread also represent some other, non-religious equivalent...? and I’m not talking cashola...
[why the fuck not?]
well, that’s exactly what our culture — represented as it is by the Holzhacker parents — would have us believe... that the real grace has to do with the size of your bank account or crypto wallet...💵 💵 💵
we still have to address that issue... in fact, having come to a very definite conclusion on the subject... I’m done wondering...
[why won’t you share?]
I’m debating whether or not to spill the beans on it just yet... but it should become increasingly obvious as we get deeper into the story, that leading us into wondering about religious grace was a definite aim of our fairytale author...
[you can’t be serious]
you don’t have to believe me... but just think, whatever religious feelings and beliefs we moderns might hold... for the Medieval populace of Western Europe... grace was no fucking abstraction... and it was indeed a daily necessity... so the more of it you had, the better off you were...
the fact that the fairytale puts an emphasis on the small size of that bread reflects a judgment on the part of our fairytale author — and the Grimms themselves — concerning the amount, if not the quality, of grace supplied by the Vatican...
however low a value that judgement might be, these kids sure got themselves short-changed...
🎵 sound of a cash register 🎵
[oh crap]
PART TWO [14:44]
Teil zwei:
In which we repeat ourselves and hear something very scary and very new, and very scary and very new. Teil zwei — !!!
🎶 🎹 piano scales ±±± 🎹 🎶
here’s the next line of the fairytale:
„Sie warten lang bis es Nacht ward, aber die Eltern kamen nicht wieder.“
"They waited a long time. Night came on, but the parents didn't come back."
[awww, OMG]
This naiveté seems made up — don’t you think?
c’mon... the children knew this would happen... they knew they were gonna be abandoned — and they were even prepared for it...
so telling us that they waited... that’s a little puzzling. and telling us the parents didn’t come back... I don’t know... sounds almost like a stage direction:
exeunt stage left...
[inside, group of tiny little goblins]
[oh boy]
It’s no news to us, and it’s no news to the brother and sister, still, the author insists on confirming it.
of course mentioning the arrival of night is consistent with the light of the moon helping them to find their way home, but, so what?
[I don’t think you know]
well, that’s true...
aside from the obvious logic involved, we could think of it as a commentary on the mindset of those early German converts like whenever they found themselves in a tough situation... how they would probably have given their new religion the benefit of the doubt, hoping against hope for a miracle... then finding out — as in this case — that the new religion had crapped out.
[boo / hiss]
[and the same again and again and again; this is repetitive]
true dat, but repetition is a perfectly legitimate method in story-telling for getting a point across, and emphasizing its importance...
this deliberate failure of the parents to return could symbolize the deliberate failure of the holy father in Rome to provide a consistent supply of grace... grace that was promised to the Germans as a reward for their baptism.
and hold on to the idea of a broken promise, because that seems to be something the Grimms themselves wanted to emphasize...
I’ll explain just a little bit later... what we’ve got right now is a very problematic splitting of Consciousness.
[what are you talking about?]
well remember, we’re looking at these 4 members of the Holzhacker family as if they represented human Consciousness... meaning us, and our Consciousness... not only us as individuals, but us as any sort of collective...
[I remember]
and so the literal splitting up of this family would mean that one aspect of Consciousness — the part represented by the 2 children — is lying to itself: not seeing the problematic truth of what’s going on...
the story says it’s waiting... it implies that despite knowing what’s really going on, it’s holding on to hope and insisting that everything is, or will eventually be, just fine and dandy.
[what’s wrong with that?]
see that’s usually what happens when you’re dealing with narcissists... meaning: it’s what their victims end up thinking.
[oh no]
and as I said in episode 37, the passive-aggressive narcissism of Modern Western Culture is splitting our Consciousness and forcing so many of us to live the wrong Typology... and I suspect that to be the underlying cause of the infamous, ubiquitous Imposter Syndrome...
hey, as long as the culture is invested in maintaining its misguided, narcissistic attitude towards Intuition and Feeling — and Women — the imposter syndrome is only going to keep spreading...
[that’s not good]
unfortunately, learning how to deal with narcissism and narcissists — and curing the imposter syndrome — is a little more complicated than just waking up to smell the coffee...
oh, buongiorno...
but it still involves waking up... except there ain’t no alarm clock ever built could wake us up to our Intuition...
[and why not?]
for that, we need the kind of abrupt and startling realization only an initiation ordeal can provide
[I don’t get it]
right... nobody can give you Intuition... and there’s no way to get it through some logical explanation — you can only experience it...
[I don’t wanna!]
hey, I don’t blame you... in our culture, the very idea and reputation of Intuition has been completely distorted and besmirched... and because the real thing is so very different from what the culture has led us to believe... learning to recognize the genuine article requires an initiation...
because what an initiation does is provide the kind of cognitive dissonance that can shake us out of our cultural blindness... and not just see Intuition for what it is, but to have an unforgettable experience of the real deal...
and once you DO recognize the real deal, you can’t un-recognize it... no matter how hard the culture tries to convince you otherwise...
[sounds interesting]
it is interesting, but you gotta know there are two kinds of initiations... and both are scary as hell...
[oh shit]
the most common one is the kind life throws at you — or throws you into... and with little or no ceremony and zero preparation... more often than not, it amounts to an overwhelmingly difficult, dangerous, or even destructive ordeal...
🤖 do not panic. enter the trains in an orderly manner. do not try to escape. 🤖
the other kind is carefully orchestrated as a ritual, and overseen by a ritual elder... someone who knows the ropes and the pitfalls... and who lets you get close enough to smell the real danger involved without getting swallowed by it...
[wolves detect you!]
[uh oh]
and yes, there is real danger... because bucking the trends and beliefs of any culture has consequences...
[OMG! Becky! Look at her butt!]
I also said that by itself, this fairytale can provide the necessary initiation... but only as long as we’re willing to go through the ordeal of sussing out the meanings hidden between the lines...
[no, I don’t want to]
well, you’re in luck then, because all you really have to do is listen... the more you listen, the closer you’re going to come to being startled by your own Intuition calling out to you from the virtual metaphoric depths and darkness...
PART Three [24:09]
Teil drei:
In which we discover that the Grimms are ritual elders, and that they’ve absconded with God
[are you crazy?]
hey, I didn’t said they were Illuminati... but Rosicrucians???
[what the fuck is the illuminati?]
I have to say, when I first started working on this fairytale, I hadn’t thought of it as having anything to do with Initiations... and I certainly never thought I’d say the Grimms were ritual elders... but here we are...
so, uh, let me explain... you see, each of their revisions serve a dual purpose...
on the one hand, by constantly tweaking otherwise innocuous details, the Grimms provided sneaky softball clues to help us suss out the symbolic meaning of the story hidden between the lines... a semi-secret meaning they themselves had to be aware of, but of course, never explicitly acknowledged...
at the same time, their revisions support the literal logic of the story line... this allowed literal minded readers (and modern academics) to see their editorial efforts as benign literary decisions designed to increase readership and boost sales...
[most assuredly]
what that really accomplished was to add an extra layer of bland, fluffy logic to satisfy the taste and expectations of the casual, mainstream reader...
[alright, well, that’s good enough for me. that’s close enough.]
it also served to hide the intuitive space between the lines from the prying eyes of those readers who had no business entering...
[piss off!]
I’m not going to call the Grimms Intuitives... and I’m not going to call them Rosicrucians...
[audience gasp]
although as we get deeper into the dark woods of this fairytale, don’t be surprised to find symbolism demanding that we at least mention the wildly misunderstood fraternity of the rosy cross...
[this is the biggest pile of crap I’ve ever heard]
well, fair enough... we’re admittedly ascribing intentions to the Grimms they may never have had... so maybe there’s some wiggle room in our appraisal and interpretation of the clues provided by their revisions... we are, after all, applying our Intuition to those clues and letting them lead us where they will... we’re not poring through the Grimms’ correspondence looking for some irrefutable, statement of intent that no academic has ever come across...
whatever the Grimms have said about the meaning and importance of fairytales, there is absolutely no mistaking the fact that they went off the reservation... and what I mean is: they slyly deviated from the consistent underlying theme of the manuscript version in order to give us a few startling, symbolic surprises of their own manufacture...
[can you please explain wtf you are talking about]
alright AI boy... we’re gonna get to that... because their revision of this last line is a perfect example of just the kind of surprise I was talking about...
they actually — and very significantly — fiddled around with it over the course of their 7 editions... so let’s listen to the final, 1857 version:
„Und weil sie die Schläge der Holzaxt hörten, so glaubten sie ihr Vater wäre in der Nähe. Es war aber nicht die Holzaxt, es war ein Ast, den er an einen dürren Baum gebunden hatte und den der Wind hin und her schlug. Und als sie so lange gesessen hatten, fielen ihnen die Augen vor Müdigkeit zu, und sie schliefen fest ein. Als sie endlich erwachten, war es schon finstere Nacht.“
"And as they heard the strokes of the wood-axe they believed that their father was near. It was, however, not the axe, it was a branch which he had fastened to a withered tree which the wind was blowing backwards and forwards. And as they had been sitting such a long time, their eyes shut with fatigue, and they fell fast asleep. When at last they awoke, it was already dark night."
before we get to that axe and tree branch business we can see that the Grimms added another small detail that was only implied in the manuscript version... see, just like adding that business of the noon hour to hint at the religious significance of bread, the little phrase they added was:
“...they believed that their father was near.”
[yeah, so what?]
it means the children believed their father was still close by, but had, in reality, skedaddled... disappeared... he was MIA... having taken off with his narcissist wife and left his kids for dead, he instantly became a deadbeat dad...
[thank you very much captain obvious]
yeah well it’s obvious because that’s the literal interpretation of this line... going the symbolic route, what we’ve got here is something else entirely...
[like what?]
another reference to religion...
their belief in their father’s presence now becomes religious belief... you know: faith... except this wasn’t no straight up faith in the presence of God the Father... no, no, no... the Grimms wanted us to remember somebody who was awfully famous in the Middle Ages...
the Deus absconditus...
[what is that?]
that’s the heavenly father who disappeared...
[audience gasp]
this was a guy spoken about by a number of theologic authorities, and perhaps most famously by Luther himself...
there’s a lot to unpack here... if you’re up for it, you could go off on your own and look up Deus absconditus for yourself... and I heartily recommend doing that as a way to build up your intuitive muscle... it is, after all, exactly what our fairytale author meant for people like us to do...
[aw, mom, do I have to?]
uh, I’m not yer uh, mudder.... but of course you don’t have to... for anyone who’s interested I’ll put a few references on the webpage for this episode...
[where, where, where?]
you know where to find my website, don’t you...?
yeah, well, I think you 3 or 4 other guys and girls out there already know... but just in case one of youse gets lost, here’s how to get there:
[this is Belmont...transfer to Red and Brown line trains at Belmont]
uh, sorry, wrong clip...
[visit us on the web @...]
[nope, nope. forget it. forget it]
The Hidden God - according to Nicolas of Cusa
Luther on the Theology of the Cross By Robert Kolb
okay getting back to the Deus absconditus — the runaway, or hidden God — I’m happy to share what I found hidden between the lines here... except, wait a minute... we just said, the manuscript doesn’t specifically mention anything about belief or faith... it just says that the parents left and didn’t come back...
[so what?]
oddly enough, instead of the Deus absconditus, this could COULD refer to another, very different and very important god...
yeah, this is a guy known as Deus otiosus...
[what the fuck is that?]
[oh go, oh jesus]
an unoccupied or disengaged god — un Dieu dégagé...
[ooh la la]
this god was kinda like a toy train enthusiast who went ahead and created some ginormous and elaborate environment for his train sets but once he was done setting it all up, he got completely bored with the whole thing and never bothered to play with it...
this kinda guy...? he never even goes back down to the basement to look at it...
[jesus christ!]
hey, we’re not talking about Jesus... this Deus otiosus just might be the god our fairytale author meant for us to think of...
[aww, why?]
that’s because it fits the theme of the entire fairytale so far, but with a twist... this was the kind of creator god associated with a very popular form of theology from the Age of the Enlightenment known as Deism...
[what the fuck is that?]
it’s a pretty busy subject, but the basic claim of deism is that true religious knowledge / knowledge of God / can only be acquired by the use of reason and a study of the universe that he created... which might as well mean applying the scientific method to theology...
the whole idea was that to know who God was you had to forget Intuition and Feeling and stick to the prized cognitive tools of the Enlightenment: Logic, Reason, and Observation... in other words, the Thinking and Sensate Functions of Consciousness...
[holy shit!]
but that’s the manuscript version... here it seems that the Grimms are muddying the waters by throwing Luther into the mix...
[I am confused]
right... it is confusing... they had already emphasized the idea of religion, but then they go adding this idea of belief in order to have us think about Luther and his Deus absconditus...
[I don’t get it]
Luther’s catchphrase was:
🎶 all you need is love 🎶
uh, no... that’s uh, somebody else’s catchphrase...
Luther’s, catchphrase was: Sola fide... all you need is faith... you know, belief...
[oh yeah, very nice]
while I can’t claim to understand exactly what he meant by faith... I suspect it had more to do with trust than anything else... Trust in God’s presence and trust in the authority of revelation, meaning, the bible...
which was exactly the opposite of the deists, who rejected that sort of authority and refused to take anybody’s word for who and what God is, even if the bible was supposed to be the trusted word of that same god...
[this is really confusing for me]
yeah, I get it, because here’s where things start going a little off-track and where bringing in Luther muddies the waters...
it turns out that Luther’s idea of the hidden God wasn’t so much about a guy who ran off and left his kids... it was more nuanced than that...
unlike the Deus otiosus — the god who couldn’t be bothered with whatever he had created — Luther’s Deus absconditus was more like a tough love god...
this is a guy who never left the basement, and never stopped playing with his train set... and in particular, he loved setting up crashes and explosions and all sorts of catastrophes...
[this is so fun!]
according to Luther, the Deus absconditus never leaves... he just hides... he’s always around, hiding in your trials and tribulations...
why do the Grimms shift our attention from the manuscript version of events with its emphasis on the Deus otiosus — god of Deism — to Luther’s Deus absconditus?
[honestly, I have no clue]
maybe the more explicit clue of belief or faith elaborates on the folly of the early Germans converting to Catholicism, and then suffering the indignation of Vatican narcissism...
the Vatican missionaries promised redemption, but only if you passed through their doors... and bought their baked goods...
so I suppose bringing in Luther — with his well-known hatred of the Vatican — qualifies as a softball clue... of course, you can’t hit every softball outta the park...
[and why not?]
[here comes the pitch...that's strike three!]
uh, that’s why...
PART Four [38:41]
Teil vier:
In which we discover the connection between Martin Luther, Walt Whitman, and the Beatles
hey, we might even find a connection between grace and pies
[can you believe that?]
[probably, if the pie’s good]
of course there’s more to Luther and his theology than hatred of the Vatican... except thanks to my dyed-in-the-wool Catholic upbringing and Jesuit education I don’t really understand Luther’s theology...
[why the fuck not?]
the only thing we were told about him was that whatever he said or wrote was pure bullshit, er, I mean damn lies and heresy...
😱 😱 😱
so now, when I do read him, it’s easy to understand his criticism of simony, and I do get a chuckle out of the many snide remarks he made about the Vatican... although his vitriol is a touch unbecoming... I mean calling the pope the Whore of Babylon it is funny, but it sounds like something right outta the Trump playbook — or vice versa...
but I don’t wanna cast no aspersions... not on Luther...
my only beef with Luther is that he’s one helluva long-winded writer, and I just don’t have the patience to suss out exactly what his theology is...
[uh, excuse you]
as far as Sola fide goes, I think it basically means you can only be saved from a trip to hell by your faith in God... and not by doing good works, which are just a vain effort to accumulate grace by sucking up to God, or by buying indulgences... the very thing that got Luther’s peppers hot in the first place...
but I digress...
[please, don’t do that]
oddly enough, in the context of this fairytale, something as simple sounding as Sola fide contains a world of meaning within it... because like Walt Whitman, it also offers a gem of a contradiction... and that little gem is in a text written by St. Anselm, an 11th century Archbishop of Canterbury — and so-called Doctor of the Church...
[the degree is honorary. I don’t practice medicine]
according to Anselm, both Luther and the Beatles were wrong...
[oh no!]
in Chapter 78 of his Monologion — Monologue on the Reason for Faith — Anselm said you need both faith and love... and this is how he said it:
“ will be useless and as something dead unless it is made alive and strong by love.”
in other words... in addition to the father and mother of the story — the Thinking function and the Sensate function — you need Hansel and Gretel as well... Intuition and Feeling... and that’s just one reason why his writing may be something our fairytale author meant for us to look up and remember...
oddly enough though, while I understand faith to be consistent with Intuition and Gnosis... Anselm’s idea of faith was probably closer to that of the deists... meaning belief based on the logic and reason of the Thinking Function...
still, what he wrote in his Monologion sets the stage for another important hidden theme in this fairytale, namely Pietism...
[hmm, what’s that?]
this isn’t the time or place to get into what Pietism is or exactly how it fits into the story... it should become obvious as we get deeper into the Holzhacker forest... for now all we need to know is the Chapter title of that snippet of his we just quoted... and that is:
“Which faith is alive and which is dead.”
and that title, my dear friends and listeners might as well be Pietism in a nutshell...
[where’s the pie?]
[oh that’s funny]
okay, let’s get back to that axe and tree branch swinging in the breeze business... here are the 2 lines in question:
„Und weil sie die Schläge der Holzaxt hörten, so glaubten sie ihr Vater wäre in der Nähe. Es war aber nicht die Holzaxt, es war ein Ast, den er an einen dürren Baum gebunden hatte und den der Wind hin und her schlug.
And as they heard the strokes of the wood-axe they believed that their father was near. It was, however, not the axe, it was a branch which he had fastened to a withered tree which the wind was blowing backwards and forwards.
initially, I had all sorts of anemic thoughts about this elaborate, puzzling scenario...
yeah, it’s some sort of logical explanation for the children’s belief, but it still seems like such a gratuitous addition... something the Grimms made up out of whole cloth and tacked on to the story... it’s marginally plausible at best... and seems just as clumsy as this weird contraption the father supposedly built... dontcha think?
[yes sir!]
so what the fuck is it doing here?
[I don’t know!]
neither did I... but as I got deeper into my work on the rest of the story, my Intuition was telling me that just because it sounded so unnecessary, it had to be another clever metalepsis...
you know, a quote of some sort referring to some obscure, earlier text... (obscure to us moderns, that is)... a text that would lend its full weight of meaning to this line... or at least justify its inclusion here...
I had no fucking clue what that text might be... I also figured it would be like searching for a needle in a haystack...
[oh crap!]
because I had some hilarious and deeply satisfying success searching out a similar sort of obscure reference back in Episode 20 — you know, with that “planing the planks of our coffins” business I decided to give it a shot...
actually I didn’t decide... my intuition kept nagging me to start looking and kept dangling that carrot of success and satisfaction I got from Episode 20...
this time the results were less satisfying... but only because I didn’t come across any smoking gun... instead, I got a whole lot of credible, circumstantial evidence that I don’t wanna bore you with...
[thank you]
I think you’ll only be bored if you’re not fascinated by the history involved... because I’m sure that’s what the Grimms were commenting on... the history... and they weren’t just commenting... they were complaining...
and they wanted you and me to hear those complaints loud and clear... just not too clear... because if those complaints were heard by the wrong people, it would have landed them in some deep shit...
[oh fuck!]
In our next episode:
I’ll be sharing the scoop on those complaints and that history... in the meantime, I’m not gonna ask you to go to my buy me coffee page and, uh, you know, uh buy me a coffee... I’ll let somebody else do that:
[Please...!😩 Please...!!😢 Please...!!!😭]
of course if you wanna hang on to your bread I could still use the grace of your active support... so please do rate, review and share the podcast...
[don’t bother me. can’t you see I’m busy?]
okay, well, have it your way, but when all of this information finally becomes public knowledge, you’ll be able to say you heard it all first... right here...
[pirate says, that’s lovely that is]
what’s also lovely is the voice of my special guest for this episode: Frau Nicole Warner...
Nicole is a German teacher extraordinaire... she’s based in Milwaukee, that germanic stronghold of beer, brats and football north of Chicago... but she has clients and students all over the world... you can get ahold of Nicole through her website:
that’s all one word...
alrighty then... ciao a tutti...
🎶 back to basejumping up 🎶
[I’m almost sorry that it’s over]
got a question, or just want to say hi...?
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*Chapter Titles read by Anna Jacobsen*
*Original German Fairytale Reading by Jürgen Lexow*
*English translation of manuscript read by Nicole Warner*
*Librivox recording of Hänsel and Gretel (1857 version - auf Deutsch) read by Stephan Gambke*
*Librivox recording of Hansel and Gretel (1857 version - in English) read by Deborah Knight*
Music Credits:
*🎶*🎶* Bleeping Demo by Kevin MacLeod of
🎶 Anachronist 🎶 by Kevin MacLeod and licensed under
🎶 Minced Words 🎶 courtesy of deleted_user_4338788 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
🎶 piano scales 🎶 courtesy of n3twork and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
🎶 Back to Basejumping Up 🎶 courtesy of deleted_user_4338788 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
kristo's awesome Peanut Gallery
(in order of appearance, and most, courtesy of
@00:00 🎶 The Mummy 🎶 - James Dietrich
@00:10 "uh, it comes..." courtesy of nuncaconoci and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@00:30 *WARNING* courtesy of Anna Jacobsen
@00:40 "I never listen..." - Marie Kembar
@00:43 "me neither" - Marge Simpson
@00:44 "in one ear..." - Marie Kembar
@00:50 " earplugs" courtesy of nuncaconoci and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@01:09 "...noise pollution" courtesy of deleted_user_1390811 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@01:14 "definitely" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
🎶 🎹 organ / church bell 🔔 🎶 @01:15
🎶 🎹 dramatic organ 🎹 🎶 courtesy of Aeonemi and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
🎶 🔔 deep church bell 🔔 🎶 courtesy of Aeonemi and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@01:34 "good evening..." courtesy of alphahog and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@01:40 "...cup of tea?" courtesy of alphahog and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@01:57 "we're ready to rock..." courtesy of The Baron and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@02:01 “medical insurance...” courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@02:05 "uh oh!" courtesy of DWOBoyle and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
02:07 "This is gonna suck" courtesy of nooc
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@02:26 "why?" courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@02:36 "what the fuck does that mean?" courtesy of The Baron and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@02:49 "you can't be serious" courtesy of nuncaconci and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@03:05 "what’s that?" courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@03:26 "oh my god, this is too heavy, I can't stand it" courtesy of tekgnosis and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@03:53 "naturally" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@04:05 "thinking not your strong point...?" courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
042:29 "I'm starving!" courtesy of owly-bee and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@04:42 "sounds good to me, Curtis" courtesy of IPaddeh and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@04:45 "...any cheetos?" courtesy of hatchetgirl and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
PART ONE / Teil eins @04:49
@05:00 "factory baked..." courtesy of cognito perceptu and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@05:15 "I am Enzo...." - Enzo the Baker
@05:23 "ahem" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@06:01 "well, i don't know" courtesy of daphneporras and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@06:15 crowd booing courtesy of tim.kahn and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@06:30 "indeed" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@06:44 "true, that..." - Omar Little
@06:57 "oh yeah..." - Michael Knight
@07:11 "oh, no!" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@07:20 "how?” courtesy of Roses1401 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@07:56 "I don't think so" courtesy of deleted_user_1390811 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@08:12 "huh...?" courtesy of deleted_user_2104797 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@08:54 "alright already, get on with it!" courtesy of metrostock99 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@09:37 "ja, ja, it's okay” courtesy of Roses1401 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@09:47 "unquestionably" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@09:56 "how?" courtesy of nuncaconci and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@10:07 "voldemort" courtesy of PacificSea and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@10:14 "I like that!" courtesy of FreqMan and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@10:37 "What's your point?" - George Costanza
@11:09 "that's not funny" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@12:04 "why, why, why, why?" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@12:26 "of course" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@12:53 "cha-ching!" courtesy of angelak_m and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@12:55 "why the fuck not?" courtesy of cheesepuff and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@13:11 "certainly" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@13:24 why won’t you share? courtesy of nuncaconci and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@13:43 "you can't be serious" courtesy of blue2107 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@14:39 🎵 sound of a cash register 🎵 courtesy of kayliebenson and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@14:41 "oh crap!" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
PART TWO / Teil zwei @14:44
@15:25 "WTF!" courtesy of buggly and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@15:43 awww courtesy of jayfrosting and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@15:51 "No!" courtesy of theuncertainman and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@16:18 “...tiny goblins” courtesy of hatchetgirl and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@16:23 "(an exasperated) oh boy..." courtesy of AmeAngelofSin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@16:43 "I don't think you know" courtesy of jhyland and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@17:17 "crowd booing" courtesy of deleted_user_2104797 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@17:24 "this is repetitive" courtesy of honest_cactus and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@18:13 "huh...?" courtesy of deleted_user_2104797 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@18:24 "what are you talking about?" courtesy of laelizondo and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@18:41 "I remember" - the head of Nostradamus
@19:20 "what's wrong with that?" - Tony Soprano
@19:31 "oh, no!" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@19:56 “nonsense!” courtesy of afterguard and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@20:13 "that's not good" courtesy of Legnalegna55 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@20:28 "buongiorno...!" courtesy of Anzbot and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@20:43 "and why not?" courtesy of annadnewby and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@20:54 "I don't get it” courtesy of Krystal Flores and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License
@21:07 “I don't wanna!" courtesy of Alivvie
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@21:34 "Why!?!" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@22:03 "sounds interesting" courtesy of kurtless and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@22:14 "oh shit!" courtesy of qubodup and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@22:35 🤖 "do not run..." 🤖 courtesy of Airborne80 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@22:42 "Yikes!" courtesy of jorickhoofd and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@23:01 "wolves detect you!" courtesy of hatchetgirl and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@23:03 "uh oh!" courtesy of DWOBoyle and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@23:12 "OMG...Becky! Look...!" courtesy of MadamVicious and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@23:17 "ahem" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@23:34 "no, I don't want to" courtesy of PacificSea and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@23:55 a wolf howl - some wild-ass Transylvanian wolf
@24:04 "nyaaaahh..." - Curly
PART THREE / Teil drei @24:09
@24:20 "are you crazy?" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@24:49 "seriously?" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@25:43 "most assuredly" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@25:57 "...good enough for me" courtesy of W1ZY and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@26:12 "piss off!" courtesy of cognito perceptu and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@26:14 "ahem" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@26:22 😲 audience gasp 😲 courtesy of FreqMan and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@26:41 "biggest pile of crap..." courtesy of deleted_user_1390811 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@27:42"ooh!" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@27:43 "can you please explain..." - AI Frenchie
@29:26 "yeah, so what?" courtesy of deleted_user_1390811 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@29:49 "...captain obvious" courtesy of cheesepuff and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@30:04 "like what?" - Paulie Gualtieri
@30:08 "How?" courtesy of simons7er and
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@30:30 "who?" courtesy of simons7er and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@30:35 "what is that?" courtesy of pyro13djt and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@30:43 "group-shocked - ooh!" courtesy of thanvannispen and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@30:54 "ooh!" courtesy of DrFortyseven and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@31:17 " I have to?" courtesy of PureDesignGirl and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@31:32 "where, where, where...?" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin and
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@31:39 "No!" courtesy of theuncertainman and
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@31:59 "what?" courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@34:53 "visit us on the web @ WWWWWs…" courtesy of WillFitch1 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@32:12 "no, forget it...!" courtesy of deleted_user_1390811 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@32:39 "so what!" courtesy of deleted_user_1390811 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@32:52 "really...?" courtesy of juror2 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@33:00 "WTF is that?" courtesy of evilsqirrel and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@33:02 "oh God! oh Jesus!" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@33:11 "ooh la la" courtesy of jppi_Stu and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@33:37 "Jesus Christ!" courtesy of max_cristos and
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@33:51 "aw, why?" courtesy of kurtless
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@34:11 “what the fuck is that?” courtesy of cheesepuff and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@34:37 "...interesting" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@34:59 "holy shit!" courtesy of AlienXXX and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@35:11 “I am confused” courtesy of cheesepuff and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@35:26 "I don't get it” courtesy of Krystal Flores and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License
@35:50 "oh yeah..." - Tom Hagen
@36:25 "this is really confusing for me” courtesy of Krystal Flores and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License
@37:15 "this is so fun!" courtesy of Anzbot and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@37:28 "OMG!" courtesy of yeahyeahyup and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@37:44 "...I have no clue" courtesy of Krystal Flores and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License
@38:10 "crunchy!" courtesy of cognito perceptu and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@38:13 "ahem" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@38:29 "and why not?" courtesy of annadnewby and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@38:31 "strike 3" courtesy of kyles and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
PART FOUR / Teil vier @38:41
@38:55 "(confused) whaat...??" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@39:03 "can you believe that?" courtesy of Krystal Flores and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License
@39:05 "...if the pie’s good" - a Motorcycle Guy
@39:26 "why the fuck not?" courtesy of cheesepuff and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@39:40 😱 😱 😱 3 women scream 😱 😱 😱 courtesy of thanvannispen and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@40:13 "argidurgadurg" courtesy of qubodup and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@40:32 "uhh, excuse you" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@40:57"ooh!" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@41:01 "please, don’t do that" courtesy of girlhurl and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@41:34 "the degree is honorary…" - Dr. Pistorius
@41:39 "ahem" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@41:46 "oh no" courtesy of bogenseeberg and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@42:14 "awww" courtesy of vahdena and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@43:08 "hmmm, what’s that?" courtesy of pyro13djt and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@43:49 "oh, that's funny" courtesy of Krystal Flores and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License
@44:15 "yes sir!" courtesy of theuncertainman and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@45:06 "I don’t know!" courtesy of nuncaconci and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@45:50 "oh crap!" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@46:37 "thank you" courtesy of Legnalegna55 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@46:56 🎵 whistle (in awe) 🎵 courtesy of InspectorJ and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@47:13 “Oh Fuck!” courtesy of and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@47:32 "please!" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
@47:47 “don't bother me...” courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@48:04 "Pirate says...lovely" courtesy of Anzbot and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@48:56 “I'm almost sorry...” courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
@48:59 "goodbye" courtesy of buggly and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
got a question, or just want to say hi...?