In Ep. 37 we smell something fishy, meet a member of the Illuminati, and discover the source of the famous imposter syndrome

Part 1 [07:37] - In which we're told: the check's in the mail

Part 2 [26:59] - In which we hear a dead German poet talking poetry, and a dead German philosopher talking smack; we have reason to mention the Illuminati, and a Facebook group that pre-dates Facebook. Hell, we even have time for a little poetry corner

Part 3 [59:32] - In which we find out that instead of a bedtime story, Hansel and Gretel is more like the Book of Job: a wake-up call of biblical proportion

Music and Sound Credits

šŸŽ¶ apologize mister šŸŽ¶

šŸŽ¶ krazy kage šŸŽ¶

[what kind of crap is this?]

āš ļø Warning! āš ļø

this podcast is for external use only;

do not listen if safety seal is broken;

if rash, irritation, redness, or swelling develops, discontinue listening;

listen only with proper ventilation;

if ingested, do not induce vomiting, and if symptoms persist, consult a magician... er, I mean, a physician...

[oh, well thatā€™s nice]

šŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¹ dramatic organ music šŸŽ¹ šŸŽ¶

šŸŽ¶ šŸ”” deep church bell šŸ”” šŸŽ¶

bless me fader, for I have sinned... itā€™s been over 2 months since my last episode...

[itā€™s been awhile, hasnā€™t it?]

yeah, I guess so, fader...

[you certainly have changed]

well, if you say so fader...


Hey there... welcome back to the Hansel and Gretel Code... this here is Episode 37...

[yes, yā€™all]

[we are going to get this party started right now]


[alright already. get on with it!]

In our last episode:

we spent a lot of time huddled around the campfire that Herr Holzhacker built to keep his kids warm ā€” and stuck in place... Then, instead of ghost stories we got a bible story...


actually, it wasnā€™t boring at all... it was a super-clever parody of Jeremiah 7...

šŸŽ¶ Jeremiah was a bullfrog šŸŽ¶

[this is lame]

[aye, I agree]

yeah, sorry, youā€™re right, but I just couldnā€™t resist...

[okay boomer]

yeah, yeah... okay, so Jeremiah 7 has Yahweh complaining about the infidelity of his chosen people...

see, by putting his words into the mouths of Wotan and Freya ā€” the deities of the pre-christian Germans ā€” our fairytale author turned a deceptively simple line of the story into a brilliant bit of satire criticizing the Vatican missionaries, with their syncretic appropriation of pre-christian rituals... (not to mention their puritanical and bizarre aversion to New Years Eve parties...)

as we said, Herr Holzhackerā€™s campfire symbolized the most notable of those rituals: the Notfeuer...

[ja, ja, itā€™s okay]

uh, thank you...

as I was saying... that notable ritual was the emergency or need fire, which got itself switcherooed by those missionaries and turned into the Catholic Novena...


I also promised we were going to get to the bottom of Gretelā€™s constant crying...

[and finally!]

except weā€™re not...

[now thatā€™s not fair]

[youā€™ll regret that]

sorry, it just canā€™t be helped... in fact, from now on, Iā€™m giving up predicting exactly where each future episode is gonna take us...


all I can say is that Iā€™m gonna try to speed things along, but I have a hard time skipping over stuff... I mean, once weā€™re all done, feel free to skip over anything that doesnā€™t float your boat, but if weā€™re going to get to the bottom line Truth of Hansel and Gretel, weā€™ve got to treat this story like a crime scene... meaning each and every metaphor is a clue that deserves our full attention... and not just because it could lead to a major breakthrough...

all of the evidence, and I mean even the most mundane, tiny detail, has got to agree with the working theory weā€™ve so far established...


right... if it doesnā€™t, weā€™ve either got to prove itā€™s just a red herring, or weā€™ve gotta re-group and figure out where weā€™ve gone off track... so we canā€™t afford to skip too far ahead, and we canā€™t afford to overlook anything...

[ah, why?]

weā€™d run the risk of jumping to some half-assed conclusion... Something that might sound logical, but just doesnā€™t resonate...

so far, we seem to be humming along right on track... and that track has us thinking whoever wrote this fairytale wasnā€™t just critical of the Vatican, but of Western European Culture in general...

[oh my god]

and specifically, the direction it began taking during the 17th and 18th century... the so-called Age of Enlightenment... when the Scientific Method took hold and began to shape humanityā€™s future...

[we plan to push the limits of science and technology]

sure, those advances in Science and Technology, and in Critical Thinking made for some impressive and powerful achievements...

[the bonds of gravity cannot hold us; we are children of the stars]

they did, indeed get us to the moon and back... right?

[yes sir!]

and fuck... thereā€™s no going back to life without TikTok and ChatGpt... is there?

[no sir!]

but what about the potential for catastrophe we keep inching towards...?

[yeah, what about it?]

is there any technology that can get us back home from the Doomsday state of affairs we moderns now find ourselves in...?

[agh, I donā€™t know anymore]

Yeah, thatā€™s a tough one... probably because the answer to that problem has more to do with metaphysics than physics...

believe it or not though, weā€™ve got that answer right here...

[why donā€™t you go ahead and show me]

thatā€™s what weā€™re doing... because it lies encoded within the metaphors and metalepses of Hansel and Gretel... which is to say in the story it tells between the lines...

[I donā€™t think so]

see, thatā€™s right... NOBODY thinks so...

and thatā€™s why the rest of us are here doing all this work, the necessary work of reading between those lines...

[letā€™s get to work]

[Yes! I stand ready!]

alrighty then...


PART ONE [07:37]
Teil eins:
In which we're told the check's in the mail

[What? What, you don't believe me?]

letā€™s listen to our last line of the fairytale combined with the next one, and see where that takes us...

[if you insist]

So gingen sie lang und kamen endlich mitten in den groƟen Wald. Da machte der Vater ein groƟes Feuer an, [...] und die Mutter sagt: schlaft dieweil ihr Kinder, wir wollen in den Wald gehn und Holz suchen, wartet bis wir wieder kommen.

They went along thusly and finally came into the heart of the great forest. There, the father built a great big fire [...] and the mother said: You children sleep, while we go into the forest to look for wood. Wait here until we get back.

Of course we know the mother is trying to pull a fast one with that ā€œwait hereā€ business... but even if we didnā€™t already know the story, as adults, we would easily suspect something fishy was going on...

[whatā€™s that smell in this room?]

[I donā€™t know]

[didnā€™t you notice the powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room?]

[what the fuck is that?]

[Mendacity. You know what that is? It's lies and liars.]

[yes Iā€™m well aware of that]


oh boy... well, for a kid, this particular ā€œwait hereā€ qualifies as an introduction to the adult world of: ā€œdonā€™t call us, weā€™ll call you.ā€

whatā€™s weird though, is that Hansel and Gretel know perfectly well what the parents are up to, yet it's an oddly comforting lie. dontcha think?


Frau Holzhacker is, after all, still their mother... and while she aims to get her kids lost in the forest, she DID come along with, if only to lend credence to the lie...

as far as plot points go, this one is short and sweet, although I gotta say, the logic of it gets muddied by the Grimms eventually switching out the mother for a step-mother...


but weā€™re not here to figure out what is or isnā€™t logical...

[why not?]

our job is to dig deeper into the symbolism of this line and its obvious mendacity...

[ainā€™t nothing more powerful than the odor of mendacity]

[ugh, ew!]

as far as symbolism goes, weā€™ve gotta go back to seeing the forest as a symbol of the Unconscious... and that makes anything outside the forest ā€” especially the Holzhacker house and home ā€” a symbol of Consciousness...

[oh no not again]

hey, bear with me here... this line has to do with the way you and I sometimes deal with the Unconscious...


by forgetting...


most normally, we tend to forget all about the Unconscious...

[true that]

yeah, but that doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t exist... or that a whole lot of important stuff isnā€™t going on in there...

[I donā€™t think we should go down there]

hey, I get it... weā€™re always so busy taking in and taking care of whatā€™s right in front of us we donā€™t have time for what some people might consider navel gazing...

[aum, aum, aum... aum, aum, aum...]

šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤” Time for another gratuitous aside:

(given the incessant demands of our digital age, multi-tasking is practically a necessity...)

šŸ¦‘ šŸ¦‘ šŸ¦‘

sometimes, at least, if weā€™re a bit more careful about the Unconscious, we make lists so we donā€™t forget stuff... thatā€™s because the Unconscious is exactly where all that stuff we forget ā€” or just donā€™t have time to think about ā€” drops into and disappears...


[ah shit!]

forgetting stuff is a pretty normal state of affairs... but this line isnā€™t about normal, everyday forgetting... you know, like where the fuck did I put my keys, or oh shit, I forgot Aunt Susieā€™s birthday was yesterday...


This is about TRYING to forget stuff... trying to get something so far deep and lost in the Unconscious it never comes back...

[Oh yeah, like what?]

whatever that something might be is represented by Hansel and his sister...


you remember, of course, that each of our foursquare family members represents one of the 4 so-called Functions of Consciousness...


hey, back in Episode 10, we took a very busy Time Machine trip to visit those guys who first gave us all those words and ideas... those concepts that Jung took and fashioned into his Typology ā€” his modern theory of personality...

So without retracing our steps, letā€™s just say weā€™re talking about how we become Conscious of stuff... how we take in reality... meaning how we know what we know... and those 4 Functions are the lenses or filters through which we consciously take in Reality...

Jung called them Thinking, Feeling, Sensation, and Intuition...

[my name is unimportant]


šŸ“ššŸ¤“ Nerd Alert

they were primarily based on the writings of Proclus, the 5th century neo-platonic philosopher, whose words for those Functions were themselves based on the writings of Galen, a 2nd century physician living in Rome, whose ideas were an innovative development on the ideas on the most famous physician in the West - Hippocrates, who lived in the 4th century BCE...


well, these names ARE kind of important because they help us to understand how consciousness works or functions... still, Function is such a weird, unfortunate word for them... because it just doesnā€™t lend itself to an easy understanding of what theyā€™re supposed to mean or how they really, uh, function...

but thatā€™s one reason this fairytale is so important... each family member is a caricature of one of those functions and behaves in the way each function actually uh, functions in our Consciousness AND in our Unconscious...

[who cares?]

thatā€™s our basic working theory here...

our hypothesis for getting at the truth of Hansel and Gretel is based on Jungā€™s concept of Typology ā€” which plenty of you are already familiar with... but even if youā€™re not, all weā€™re doing is observing the behavior of each family member... and identifying them with one of those functions...

as far as I know, itā€™s a theory thatā€™s never been applied to fairytales before... not even in Jungian circles... but it turns out to be the key that unlocks the meaning of the whole fairytale...

[oh I forgot my key. let me in now!]


whether or not youā€™re hip to Typology and all of that Meyers - Briggs business, we can simplify things by letting the parents represent something weā€™re all a little more familiar with...

[whatā€™s that?]

well, theyā€™re headed back home, right? ā€” and to Consciousness, right?


without going all Freudian, letā€™s just call them the Conscious Ego, which really means whatever part of us does all our remembering and forgetting...

itā€™s what does our lying, too, I should think...

weā€™ve gotta give Freud some serious props here for discovering how sometimes itā€™s the Unconscious that has us slipping up and telling the truth...


whatā€™s funny about this line, is that itā€™s giving us a Conscious Ego thatā€™s naive enough to wish and hope and imagine that it can successfully command the Unconscious to obey it ā€” or at least trick it into following its will ā€” you know... just the way it does with that most famous example of wishful thinking: the new yearā€™s resolution...

šŸŽ¶ šŸ„³ šŸŽ‰ party horn šŸŽ‰ šŸ„³ šŸŽ¶

[thatā€™s uh, not funny]

well, not when it succeeds...

So maybe this line qualifies as an expression of Will Power...

[ah, very good]

yeah, except Will Power is more like the Conscious Ego commanding itself to ignore the Unconscious... because it knows full well there are activities and drives down there that are bound to elbow their way back up into Consciousness...

You know... like

[Yum, donut. Forbidden donut. mmm.]


we donā€™t need no psychiatrist to point out that the Unconscious is about as recalcitrant, ungovernable, and domesticated as a tom cat with all sorts of

[throbbing biological urges]

[Ugh.. well then!]

if this line represents Will Power, isnā€™t that something we normally think of as virtuous - or at least positive...?

[yes sir!]

but Frau Holzhacker is one of our villains, so maybe this behavior represent some other, less favorable form of forgetting...

[like what?]

how about procrastination...?

[that, thatā€™s bad]

yup... ā€œwait here until we get backā€ sounds like something our Conscious Ego indulges in when we put something on the back burner and promise ourselves weā€™re gonna get back to it later...

[Iā€™ll be back]

[Uh oh!]

Yeah well, for us humans, no matter how sincere we are in making that kinda promise, procrastination is a common, but complicated, matter of lying to ourselves.


we can call it temporizing, but normally we procrastinate to avoid dealing with a problem... which really means a responsibility ā€” big or small ā€” weā€™d prefer not to have...

[I did NOT order THAT!]

procrastinating letā€™s us temporarily forget about having to deal with something that could be difficult, embarrassing, or weird...

[this doesnā€™t smell quite the way I expected]


that something could be utterly minor and mundane like taking out the garbage or doing the laundry... but this fairytale isnā€™t talking about stuff thatā€™s minor or of little consequence... itā€™s talking about stuff thatā€™s super-important to our Conscious ego...

[with the first pick in the 2024 NFL draft, the Chicago Bears select]


sorry, wrong example...

but the point is, this fairytale isnā€™t just talking to us as individuals... to our individual egos, itā€™s talking to our Collective Conscious Ego... In other words, something thatā€™s important to our Culture... because thatā€™s what a culture is... the Conscious Ego of a collective... and I mean ANY collective...

[there it is, a Detroit cheer for Caleb Williams]

and there my frents is an example of 2 cultures clashing...

[oh brother]

seriously, though... Culture is the sum total of all the values, beliefs, customs, habits ā€” and uh, even team preferences ā€” of its individuals all cooked up into a stew of values, beliefs, customs and habits that everyone in that Culture is expected to share, and if necessary, choke down...

[choking / coughing sounds]

[nasty! that is disgusting]

šŸ‘¹ šŸ‘¹ šŸ‘¹ another gratuitous aside:

(of course what I really mean is adhere to...)

šŸ¦‚ šŸ¦‚ šŸ¦‚

if itā€™s true that the parents in this tale represent just such a Collective, their behavior matches the willful and deliberate aim of Western European Culture to not just procrastinate and temporarily forget something... but to deep six it... To forget, repress, deny and bury some important aspect of human consciousness so far down and deep in the Unconscious, it stays there ā€” forever...

in other words

[itā€™s a Sicilian message]

šŸ¤” šŸ¤“ āš ļø Time for an utterly gratuitous aside:

Iā€™m not a parent, but ordering your kids to sleep is similar to Will Power, in that youā€™re only fighting against nature when you do... except paradoxically, you also have nature on your side, because children will eventually tire out and fall asleep... Will Power is different, because as anybody who has tried to diet knows... the only tiring out you can bank on is the spare tiring that nature will eventually force your appetite to put back on...

šŸŒ šŸŒ šŸŒ

obviously, Hansel and Gretel has a global, near universal appeal... still, having been written in German, and told from the perspective of Germanic Consciousness we have to ask ourselves: what is it that Germanic Consciousness tried to put so far on the back burner that it could never get back to?

[I donā€™t know]

As far as we can tell, itā€™s the pre-christian culture of the early Germanic people... whatā€™s popularly known as Germanic Paganism... Which ā€” Ashkenazi Judaism aside ā€” includes most anything that would conflict with Christian religion, values and beliefs: all things that define Western European Culture as it was bent, hammered, and pounded into shape by the power and efforts of the two conquering Cultures of Rome... one centered in the Roman Forum, and the other centered in the Vatican...

[puer, oh puer, oh puer! which as any schoolboy knows, means: boy, oh boy, oh boy!]


both the Roman legions and hordes of Christian missionaries brought certain civilizing advancements and improvements to everyone north of the Alps, although aside from roads and military discipline and impressive church architecture, if you go looking for what those advancements were, the particulars are a touch sketchy ā€” especially since it was the Romans ā€” and not the Germans ā€” who wrote down and recorded THEIR version of history...

the Vatican missionaries wrote down their version of history too, but the only cultural advancement they cared about was getting the locals to forget their old gods and goddesses...

šŸŽ¶ Amen šŸŽ¶

what they didnā€™t care at all about was whether that advancement was achieved by force or persuasion...


I donā€™t know whether to call it force or persuasion, but Frau Holzhacker telling the children to sleep matches the missionaries order to forget all things pagan and of primal cultural origin ā€” including those pagan practices and rituals, such as divination and sacrifice, that depend upon Intuition and Feeling ā€” the 2 functions of Consciousness represented by Hansel and his sister... the same 2 functions of consciousness that have been practically eliminated from modern Western (if not modern global) Culture...

[so whatā€™s your point?]

because the mother / stepmother is a villain, and because she represents Vatican animosity towards the early Germanic religions and cultural practices, it seems obvious that our fairytale author was personally critical of the Vatican...

[oh thank you very much captain obvious]

well thatā€™s why weā€™re doing all of this work... to make something that hasnā€™t been obvious for a very long time: obvious...

so while not necessarily critical of Christianity (in fact, just the opposite) our author likely supported a project of remembering or waking up to the natural cultural heritage of native Germans... A heritage that goes beyond religion to include all the legends and historical characters who might have given Germans pride in their origins... a pride that translates into the late 18th and early 19th century understanding of Germanic nationalism...

[holy shit!]

and that project, my dear frents and listeners was of prime interest to those late 18th and early 19th century literary, philosophic, and even theologic intellectuals known as the Romantics.

[oh, I love you, I love you]



PART TWO [26:59]
Teil zwei:
In which we hear a dead German poet talking poetry, and a dead German philosopher talking smack.
We have reason to mention the Illuminati, and a Facebook group that pre-dates Facebook.
Hell, we even have time for a little poetry corner:

Zwei Knaben gaben sich einen Kuss,
der eine, der hieƟ Julius,
der andere, der hieƟ Gretchen,
ich glaub, das war ein MƤdchen.

šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ (this is an example of what's known as Klapphornvers)


thereā€™s one famous name associated with Germanic / Romantic poetry and nationalism that our fairytale author wanted us to remember:

[Herman Munster]

uh no...

[Who is Herman Munster?]

uh, itā€™s a long story...

no, the famous name in question is: Johann Gottfried von Herder (25 August 1744Ā ā€“ 18 December 1803)

[whoā€™s that?]

for those of us ā€” including myself ā€” who never knew about or HEARD of Herder, his place in this story is remarkable... and then you go learning about him, and itā€™s easy to see how his place in the tale is unmistakeable...

Herr Herder ā€” who died in 1803, just 9 years before publication of the Grimmsā€™ first edition ā€” was a philosopher, a theologian, a poet, and a literary critic...

[but that is not all]

heā€™s also considered a godfather of Romanticism,

[oh, I love you. I love you]


heā€™s also godfather of the literary movement known as Sturm und Drang...

[3 screams woman]

and yes, typical of the pejorative attitude of Western European Culture towards displays of emotion, the phrase, Sturm und Drang, is now practically a synonym for histrionics... at least in English...

[roger that]

the easiest way to learn some basic facts about Herder is to look him up in Wikipedia...


digging deeper though... that means finding the work of Isaiah Berlin, a 20th century philosopher and historian of ideas...

fortunately, his published lectures on Herder and Romanticism

[I love you so much]

okay, okay... Berlinā€™s lectures are not only super informative, theyā€™re short enough and plain-spoken enough to make for entertaining reading... in fact, as one modern author put it:

ā€œThis was the brilliant side of Berlin, the capacity to present the most complex problems in an accessible way that gave him his immense popularity.ā€

The Anti-Enlightenment Tradition - Zeev Sternhell p. 397

Iā€™ll leave a link...

[that sounds fine]

oddly enough, despite being something of an expert on Herder and his ideas, it turns out that Professor Berlin may not have read very much of Herder himself...


according to that same author who praised him, it seems apparent that he confined his research to mostly secondary sources...


šŸ˜ˆ šŸ‘ŗ šŸ˜± Time for some serious academic shade:

ā€œThe question whether systematically omitting the secondary sources and replacing them with texts that Berlin himself did not mention, which probably means he did not read them, can be considered a legitimate procedure is highly dubious.ā€

see p. 508 / note 58 of that same text : The Anti-Enlightenment Tradition - Zeev Sternhell

šŸ’© šŸ’© šŸ’©

as a revelation that makes me feel a whole lot better about myself and my own research efforts, because having so far spent over 12 years working nearly full-time on this fairytale, itā€™s obvious to me that even if I had another 50 years, Iā€™d never get through reading all of the primary sources this fairytale suggests...

[uh, excuse you]

šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤” something to make you wonder:

in just 56 lines of a 58 page text on Herder, Berlin mentions no less than 22 authors... how can one person possibly have spent the time necessary to assimilate all those ideas of so many authors ā€” especially when it's only 1 page out of tens of thousands of similar pages in his oeuvre...??? see, thatā€™s just a tiny sampling of his work... unless youā€™re a savant, and spent your whole life, reading and studying the same sort of material, itā€™s hard to imagine becoming as productive as a guy like Isaiah Berlin ā€” or even Herder, for that matter...

check out p. 50 of his essay, Herder and the Enlightenment

šŸ¦” šŸ¦” šŸ¦”

but I digress...

[please, donā€™t do that]

alright... seeing as how this fairytale has an awful lot to say about Western European CultureProfessor Berlin tells us that Herder is one of the earliest thinkers to conceive , of something called a Culture...

[audience reaction]

šŸ¤“ (check out p. 19 of his nifty essay on Herder: Herder and Historical Criticism) šŸ¤“

and remember, itā€™s my contention that the Collective Consciousness of any group ā€” large or small, from the smallest family unit to the complete population of a geographic region such as Western Europe ā€” is just that: a Culture...

[I heard you the first time]

uh, yeah... well just as Frau Holzhacker is a stand in for Vatican missionaries who tried to stamp out the pre-christian culture of their Germanic converts, Professor Berlin tells us: Herder hated all conquerors who would vanquish people of any nation and snuff out their original and unique cultural characteristics... meaning: homogenize their unique culture and force it to conform to that of the conqueror... presumably, to make things more comfortable and familiar for the tourists and settlers from the conquering culture...

[I want my pizza right now. I am very hungry]

[crowd approval]


"Charlemagne forcibly converted the Saxons (this comes from Mƶser): here were these gentlemanly figures, these Saxon gentlemen-farmers, full of spirit, full of creative ability, crushed and destroyed by an alien religion, Christianity. So Herder, although he was after all the chief clergyman of the Grand Duchy of Weimar, and it became him rather ill to say this, keeps complaining that unfortunately Christian missionaries have completely destroyed and perverted the feelings of rather a lot of Balts, that a lot of British missionaries have completely erased Hindu culture in favour of some kind of Christian tradition which is totally alien to all these peoples. Assimilation, uniformity, the destruction of original cultures, centralisation, all these are for him forms of dehumanisation, degradation, the squeezing of human beings into Procrustean beds, the conversion of them into dead human material for bureaucrats to shape and form. That is the main cry which Herder planted among his followers towards the end of the eighteenth century."

šŸ¤“ see p. 22 of THE ASSAULT ON THE FRENCH ENLIGHTENMENT : "Herder and Historical Criticism"

"What he hates most of all are conquerors, assimilators ā€“ it does not matter what kind. Julius Caesar is a villain because he crushed the Cappadocians, and now we will never know what they were trying to tell us. We will never know what the Carthaginians had to tell us, because Rome snuffed them out. Charlemagne is a villain, Louis XIV is a villain ā€“ all these great conquerors are villains. Even the British missionaries in India are villains because, although what they do is in the interest of religion, they suppress native Indian customs, they assimilate the Indians, they remove their native colour and impose all kinds of foreign dresses, foreign customs, foreign habits upon them, and in this way the native, unique, unanalysable, impalpable, deep Indianness of the Indians evaporates."

one of the chief characteristics of culture that interested Herder was language and the unique poetry the language of any nation could produce, especially before it became civilized:

In the Garden of Eden lay Adam,
Complacently stroking his madam,
And loud was his mirth, For on all of the earth
There were only two balls ā€” and he had 'em.


[ooh, that's sooo good!]

one of Herderā€™s most famous quotes begins:

"Ein Dichter ist Schƶpfer eines Volkes um sich..."


(Ɯber die Wirkung der Dichtung auf die Sitten der Vƶlker in alten und neuen Zeiten Eine Preisschrift 1778 / On the effect of Poetry on the ethics of peoples in ancient and modern times)

ā€œA poet is the creator of the nation around him....ā€

[crowd surprise]

turns out, Herderā€™s championing of the German language along with its original poetry, folksongs, sagas, and myths, not only gave Germans new pride in their shared origins... itā€™s well enough known that Herder inspired the Grimms to begin collecting their fairytales and folktales...

[holy shit, heh, heh]

this particular quote was pretty much the Grimmsā€™ call to arms:

ā€œI know of folksongs, dialect songs, peasant songs from more than one province ((which certainly yield nothing in the way of rhythm and liveliness, simplicity and vigor of language, to (foreign) ballads)). But who is there to collect them? To care about them? To care about the songs of the people from the streets and alleys and fishmarkets? ...who would bother to print them...?

Extract From a Correspondence on Ossian and the Songs of Ancient People trans: Joyce P. Crick

then he begins to wax more and more sarcastic and says:

ā€œLet the remnants of the old, true folk poetry vanish entirely with the daily advance of our so-called culture, just as many such treasures have already vanished ā€” after all, we have metaphysics, dogmatics, and bureaucratics ā€” and we dream peacefully on ā€”ā€

[itā€™s terrible; itā€™s just so bad; itā€™s]

[itā€™s really terrible]

Iā€™m not going to suggest that Frau Holzhackerā€™s ordering the children to sleep was a deliberate metalepsis referring to this passage from Herder...

šŸ¤” (although, I gotta say, once again, the Grimmsā€™ revision of 1843 opens the door at least a crack to that possibility...)

but, uh, why the fuck not...?

[Iā€™m not sayinā€™ nothinā€™]

I donā€™t wanna bore you with the evidence, which is more circumstantial than entertaining...

[oh thanks]

but if your interested, Iā€™ve included it in the transcripts on the website...

[uh, no thanks]

šŸ“— šŸ“— šŸ“—

the manuscript says: die Mutter sagt: schlaft dieweil ihr Kinder...

from 1812-1837 the Grimms said this: sagte die Mutter: ā€žnun legt euch ans Feuer und schlaft,

anlegen: lay down

in 1840 they only change Mutter to Frau: sagte die Frau ā€žnun legt euch ans Feuer und schlaft,

but then in 1843 they say: sagte die Frau ā€žnun legt euch ans Feuer, ihr Kinder, und ruht euch aus,

ausruhen: take a rest

Herderā€™s quote ends like this: ā€“ und trƤumen ruhig hin ā€“

šŸ“• šŸ“• šŸ“•

thereā€™s plenty more meat on the bone of Herder and his writings ā€” and I did, indeed, log a few hours reading me some Herder ā€” but that made me realize he not only belonged in the story... he belonged on the list of possible authors of the fairytale...

[oh wow man]

that tells us pretty emphatically that Hansel and Gretel could not have been written before the 18th century...

[why not?]

because the ideas encoded in the fairytale so obviously express those of Herder, among other German literary luminaries ā€” and oh yeah, speaking of luminaries ā€” on only a seemingly gratuitous note, the German Wikipedia tells us that Herder was a member of that famous Bavarian sub-sect of Freemasonry...

[you mean the NY Yankees?]

uh, no... the Illuminati...

[spooky sounds]

[are you scared of the illuminati]


but on a more obviously relevant note, Herder was dead serious about the value inherent in the German language, and Germanic cultural origins ā€” meaning: everything that made for a shared national identity... an issue of heightened importance because, at the time, any shared Germanic identity was especially undermined by the domineering efforts of Napoleon to impose French Rule, French language, and French Culture on everyone East of the Rhein...

[ooh, la la]

Herder famously wrote:

Und du Deutscher allein willt deine Mutter,
Aus der Fremde gekehrt, Franzƶsish grĆ¼ĆŸen?
O spei aus, vor der HausthĆ¼r spei der Seine HƤƟlichen Schlamm aus.
Rede Deutsch, o du Deutscher. Sey kein KĆ¼nstlerā€¦


and you German, arenā€™t youā€™re the only one...
who comes back from abroad and wants to greet your mother in French?
Oh, spit out that ugly slime of the Seine, spit it out at the front door.
Speak German, you German. Don't be a fraud...

[oh, very nice!]

I gotta say, the poem in which Herder wrote that line was his own loose translation of a poem written by a certain 17th century poet he admired, Jakob Balde... Balde wrote only in neo-Latin, and his work had been largely forgotten ā€” until Herder arrived and re-introduced him to the world...

[no, really?]

okay, at least the literary world of the Romantics...

[love, love, love; I love everybody]

THEY, WERE actually connected to the rest of the world via the internet of the time: the so-called Republic of Letters...

[what is that?]

weā€™ll have occasion to mention this later, but basically, it was a world-wide web of people who were interested in and cared about the kind of stuff you and I are interested in...

[is that so?]

in what could easily be described as a ginormous 16th Century Facebook group (one that lasted at least until the 19th Century) these scholars and literati shared their enthusiasms, discoveries, and ideas in person ā€” in salons and other local groups known as Academies... what made them an informal republic was the fact that they communicated those ideas across frontiers and oceans via snail mail...


these days thereā€™s a website at Stanford University thatā€™s dedicated to mapping out the Republic of Letters...

Iā€™ll leave a link

[thank you]

interestingly enough, the Romantics

[my name is love. I love you]

THEY were just as adamantly opposed to the um, new French wave as Herder was, but, being cosmopolitan scholars, avid writers, and enthusiastic members of the Republic of Letters they were more than conversant in plenty of languages beyond their native German... that included French, Latin, Greek, English, and even Hebrew...

[shalom aleichem / שÖøׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם]

šŸ‡®šŸ‡³ Sanskrit, too

but thereā€™s something else, something more important in the eclectic, literary program of the Romantics

[I love you, I fucking love you]

[please stop that]

thereā€™s something important that Herder embodied, and that marks him as one of the godfathers of Hansel and Gretel...

[hmm, whatā€™s that?]

according to Wikipedia:

ā€œHerder sought to harmonize his conception of sentiment with reason, whereby all knowledge is implicit in the soul; the most elementary stage is sensuous and intuitive perception which by development can become self-conscious and rational.ā€


[what the fuck does that mean?]

whatā€™s actually written there is something of a word salad that William Zinsser would take issue with because it takes such an awful lot of mental effort to clarify...

[thatā€™s not good]

exactly... turns out, that part of the Wiki article sounds like the re-wording of a paper written about Herder by Christa Kamenetsky, a scholar of childrenā€™s literature...


turns out Professor Kamenetsky is mostly famous for writing a book called:

Children's literature in Hitler's Germany : the Cultural policy of National Socialism

in it she says:

ā€œThe Nazis glorified Herder, the Brothers Grimm, and the Romantic movement....ā€

[group shocked]

actually, what they did was appropriate ideas, and twist words to suit a narcissist ideology that had nothing to do with nationalism as Herder explained it...

[it shouldnā€™t happen]

yup... now Iā€™m going to have to re-word one of professor Kamenetskyā€™s sentences ā€” not to twist her words ā€” but to untwist them... because what she wrote agrees with what you and I have so far been able to suss out about the meaning of our fairytale, and how Herder and his ideas live on in the DNA of Hansel and Gretel... she said:

ā€œ of the great dreams of the German Romanticists (was) to eliminate the sharp division that had arisen between reason and emotion.... In (this) Herder may be considered a pioneer.ā€

what does it really mean that there was a sharp division between reason and emotion...?

[yeah, whadda we mean by that?]

well, deepening that division, in a nutshell, was the project of the so-called Enlightenment... a sharp turn in Western European Culture separating Science from Magic, Wishful Thinking and Superstition...

[whatā€™s wrong with that?]

well sure, it all sounds very intelligent and forward thinking... in fact, it was the result of so many natural philosophers ā€” and would-be alchemists ā€” adopting the Scientific Method as a laboratory tool...

of course the scientific method was only a conceptual tool... except it proved to be as powerful in its time as EĀ =Ā mc2 is in our time...

[man has never understood the true power of the atom]

unfortunately, just like EĀ =Ā mc2, the power unleashed by the scientific method was less than benign...


it allowed a few too many ambitious and narrow-minded, er, I mean single-minded scholars ā€” scientists and philosophers alike ā€” to throw the twin babies of Intuition and Feeling out with all that murky, medieval bathwater...

šŸŽ¶ your baby is perfectly happy, he wonā€™t need a bath anymore šŸŽ¶

[this is lame]


yeah, sorry... I couldnā€™t resist...

it was Herder and the Romantics who recognized this as a serious problem... and it was their project to try and keep the 4 functions of Consciousness together in the European Consciousness ā€” in other words, to keep the 4 members of the Holzhacker family together...

thatā€™s just one of the reasons Isaiah Berlin said:

ā€œ...(Herder) must be regarded as one of the few relatively original thinkers in the history of man.ā€


šŸ¤“ see p. 13 of THE ORIGINS OF CULTURAL HISTORY 2: ā€˜Geisteswissenschaftā€™ and the Natural Sciences Vico versus Descartes... which is a transcript of the second of three Gauss Seminars given by Berlin at Princeton in 1973

I have to believe that Isaiah Berlin ā€” a pro-enlightenment scholar if there ever was one ā€” struggled mightily to keep his own Intuition under wraps in the Unconscious... except, like a guy stuck in the closet, he never quite succeeded

[OOH! ]

I say that because without the power of his Intuition, he could never have recognized the value of Herder and his work...


yeah well, keeping Intuition and Feeling out in the open, and bundled together in Consciousness with Logic and Sensation, is hard enough for any genuine Intuitive, even one as intelligent as Herder... but over and over again it proves to be a near impossibility, for even the keenest of rational / logic-dominant intellects...

[can you please explain wtf you are talking about]

alright, AI boy... hereā€™s an example of someone whose Intuition and Feeling were about as deeply closeted, er I mean buried in the Unconscious as you can get...

this is a snippet from a letter written by Immanuel Kant and addressed to someone weā€™re eventually gonna have to meet:

šŸ‘ŗ Johann Georg Hamann...

Kant complained about Herder saying:

ā€ž...ich armer Erdensohn bin zu der Gƶttersprache der Anschauenden Vernunft garnicht organisirt.ā€Ÿ

[oh my Gott, oh my Gott, oh my Gott]

okay, okay... hereā€™s my MOSTLY loose translation of the full paragraph:

dear friend...I donā€™t fucken understand this guy... would you please be kind enough to fucken explain his fucken point to me... but fer chrissake... use the fucken language of ordinary, normal fucken people... Me, Iā€™m just a poor earthling... Iā€™m not equipped to understand this gobbly-gook-god-speak bull-shit jibberish of Observational Reason...

[oh god, oh Jesus]

okay sorry... I got carried away... Kant didnā€™t do no swearing ā€” at least not in that letter...

šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ see p. 120 of Kant's letters

6 April 1774

Wenn Sie werther Freund meinen Begrif, von der Hauptabsicht des Verfassers, worinn zu verbessern finden so bitte mir Ihre Meinung in einigen Zeilen aus; aber wo mƶglich in der Sprache der Menschen. Denn ich armer Erdensohn bin zu der Gƶttersprache der Anschauenden Vernunft garnicht organisirt. Was man mir aus den gemeinen Begriffen nach logischer Regel vorbuchstabiren kan das erreiche ich noch wohl. Auch verlange ich nichts weiter als das thema des Verfassers zu verstehen denn es in seiner gantzen WĆ¼rde mit Evidentz zu erkennen ist nicht eine Sache worauf ich Anspruch mache.

If, dear friend, you discover a way of improving on my conception of the authorā€™s main intention, please write me your opinion, but if possible in the language of human beings. For I, poor earthling, am not at all equipped (organized) to understand the divine language of intuitive reason. What can be spelled out for me with ordinary concepts in accordance with logical order I can pretty well comprehend. And I ask nothing more than to understand the authorā€™s main point, for to recognize the worth of the whole theory in all its dignity as true is not something to which I aspire.

(they were discussing Herderā€™s Ƅlteste Urkunde des Menschengeschlechts / Oldest Document of the Human Race)

šŸ–‹ šŸ–‹ šŸ–‹Ā 

but as a point of emphasis, Kant is a guy whose language can only be understood by savants of pure logic... which is to say, people whose dominant Function of Consciousness is Thinking...

[thinking not your strong point, dear?]

well, no itā€™s not... Iā€™m an Intuitive and Iā€™m not equipped to understand Kant-speak... but I know what heā€™s doing...

as Intelligent as Kant is, he doesnā€™t seem to recognize that Herder is speaking the language of Intuition... all he knows is that he doesnā€™t understand a fucken word of it...

not being the least bit Intuitive, Kant can only think to call Intuition: Anschauenden Vernunft... Observational reason... in obvious contradistinction to his own baby: Reine Vernunft, meaning pure or clean reason... something we might as well understand as his term for Logic and the Thinking Function...

now what I find even more interesting is that a little bit further on in the same letter Kant even admits that he was only half-heartedly interested in understanding Herder who, BTW had once been a student of his...

that half-assed, er I mean half-hearted, Kantian attitude towards Intuition ā€” or Anschauende Vernunft ā€” is the same attitude an awful lot of modern academics hold towards Intuition...

whether itā€™s because of the dictates of our Culture or simply their own Typology, they regard Intuition not so much as a subject worth investigating, but as a form of mental illness theyā€™d prefer to medicate and forget, if not one day eliminate...

those who do study it have come to call it by the pejorative term of Irrationalism...

[some silly blathering]

[that is fine; please move on]

okay, okay, but thereā€™s one more thing Iā€™d like to mention about Herder...

[oh no]

bear with me, will ya... see, thereā€™s a book that pretty much supports my contention that Herder would be the kind of man Hansel would grow up to be... and I say that because from everything Iā€™ve read about Herder, and the admittedly little Iā€™ve read of his work, I sense that Herder was an Intuitive... and I can say that because Iā€™ve come to discover and understand my own Intuitionā€¦

[oh really?]

yup... but thatā€™s another story...

The book Iā€™m talking about here is called called Herder als Faust / (Herder as Faust)... and it was written in 1911 by GĆ¼nther Jacoby ā€” a crusty sounding, right-wing sort of theologian and philosopher...

despite his cranky, conservative nature he seems to have understood Herder well enough to say that:

ā€œ...the entire fullness of Herder's being and thinking comes together in this play (Goetheā€™s Faust).ā€

he also said:

ā€œOne can view Faust as a summary of Herder's diverse influences on Goethe at the beginning of the 1800s.ā€

[yeah, so what??]

well, let me tell you... if you read the Wiki article on Jacoby, he appears to be a Thinking dominant character, just like Kantā€”

[how do you know that?]

thatā€™s because of his opinionated obsession with Logic as an academic subject... Jacoby had to be stuck in the Thinking function to fuel that sort of obsession... still, just like Isaiah Berlin ā€” and unlike Kant ā€” Jacoby seems to have understood Herder...

recognizing the theme of Intuition in both Herder and in Faust, (even if he never calls it Intuition) and being the very logical sort of guy he was, he simply put 2 and 2 together...

while it might have been his logic that made the connection between Faust and Herder... it was his Intuition ā€” his own un-recognized Intuition ā€” that made the logical connection possible in the first place...

and the same goes for Professor Berlin... his own un-recognized Intuition gave him the power to understand Herder in the first place...

so hereā€™s my point:

Jacoby (and Berlin) may have been two of the ordinary legion of people ā€” scholars and otherwise ā€” who are stuck, as Jung put it, living the wrong Typology...

[this is beyond it, you canā€™t be serious]

there are so many of us in the world whose dominant Functions of Consciousness are Intuition and Feeling but who have done what Frau Holzhacker suggested, and let their Intuition and Feeling get lost in the Unconscious...

struggling to fit into a Culture that prizes only Thinking and Sensation... they force themselves to adapt to and use the 2 Functions they have least control over...

this, of course, puts them all at a major, lifetime disadvantage...

[what are you talking about?]

alright, outwardly and inwardly the effect seems to lie somewhere between extremes: some people born as Intuitives, are like southpaws forced at a young age to become righties... they learn to cope... and sometimes extremely well ā€” especially if they become ambidextrous...

others though, are like trans individuals who never get the opportunity to transition and truly live their nature... as a result, many of them find life to be a difficult, mostly unfair, and sometimes very cruel struggle...

so what Iā€™m saying is that living the wrong Typology isnā€™t a choice... itā€™s something Intuitives get forced into ā€” usually by well-meaning parents who want their children to succeed, and who believe success means adapting to the demands and preferences of the Culture... a Culture that rewards Logic and Sensation, while punishing Intuition and Feeling...

well-meant or not... living the wrong Typology is hell... and I say THAT from experience...

hereā€™s the wild thing: living the wrong Typology might even account for that most ubiquitous of modern cultural maladies, the infamous, impostor syndrome...

[holy shit!]

[what the fuck??]

Iā€™m speculating here, but I suspect Professor Jacobyā€™s crusty personality was a result of him being a born Intuitive, and having learned to cope with life as a thinker...

[bollocks, just bollocks]

well, hereā€™s something else... back in Episode 30 I spoke a lot about Faust... both the character in the original Faust books and Goetheā€™s more literary Faust... and itā€™s still my contention that Goetheā€™s Faust was more authentically based on Cornelius Agrippa, the Renaissance polymath whose identity as an Intuitive is even more obvious than that of Herder...

and so while professor Jacoby only saw Herder in Faust, Iā€™m certain he would have recognized Agrippa in Faust as well... and the fact that he didnā€™t was probably due to the fact that he, just like Professor Kamenetsky and Professor Berlin, never read any Agrippa...

[how do you know that? how do you know that?]

hey, we know that Agrippa was, and still is considered flaky, not just for his defense of women, but because as an out and out Intuitive, his opinions ā€” especially about Magic ā€” were anathema to dyed in the wool thinking dominants... scholars and philosophers like Kant who wanted nothing to do with him and his ideasā€¦

and those Intuitives among us who havenā€™t yet discovered their own Intuition, and rescued it from the Unconscious ā€” guys like Jacoby ā€” would have learned to follow the herd on that Kantian attitude and avoid Agrippa like the plague...

šŸ“˜ šŸ“˜ šŸ“˜ romanticist literary aside:

an attitude most famously expressed by Viktor Frankensteinā€™s father, who said: ā€œAh! Cornelius Agrippa! My dear Viktor, do not waste your time upon this; it is sad trash.ā€

from Chapter 2 of Frankenstein:

"I chanced to find a volume of the works of Cornelius Agrippa. I opened it with apathy; the theory which he attempts to demonstrate and the wonderful facts which he relates soon changed this feeling into enthusiasm. A new light seemed to dawn upon my mind, and bounding with joy, I communicated my discovery to my father. My father looked carelessly at the title page of my book and said, 'Ah! Cornelius Agrippa! My dear Victor, do not waste your time upon this; it is sad trash.'

If, instead of this remark, my father had taken the pains to explain to me that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded and that a modern system of science had been introduced which possessed much greater powers than the ancient, because the powers of the latter were chimerical, while those of the former were real and practical, under such circumstances I should certainly have thrown Agrippa aside and have contented my imagination, warmed as it was, by returning with greater ardour to my former studies. It is even possible that the train of my ideas would never have received the fatal impulse that led to my ruin. But the cursory glance my father had taken of my volume by no means assured me that he was acquainted with its contents, and I continued to read with the greatest avidity. When I returned home my first care was to procure the whole works of this author, and afterwards of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these writers with delight; they appeared to me treasures known to few besides myself."

šŸ‘» šŸ‘» šŸ‘»

I say from experience, that if youā€™re living the wrong Typology, the only way to understand your own Intuition ā€” and learn to properly embrace it ā€” is to be tricked into it...

[startled audience]

and that sort of trickery is best supplied by a genuine initiation... something akin to the rituals of those mystery religions of old...

[for the love of everything sacred and holy would you please shut your yapper]

sorry, there are some things that need to be said... thatā€™s why Hansel and Gretel was written... and why it needs and deserves the heavy duty intuitive attention you and I are paying it...

[I paid five dollars to hear THAT?]


PART THREE [59:32]
Teil drei:
In which we hear find out that instead of a bedtime story, Hansel and Gretel is more like the Book of Job: a wake-up call of biblical proportion

[yo, wake the fuck up!]

[how rude!]

ok, how about an alarm clock ā€” with no snooze button?

ā° ā° ā°

[time to make the donuts]

[mmm, forbidden donut, mm]

šŸ© šŸ© šŸ©

so, blah, blah, blah, Herder, Herder... Intuition, Intuition, Typology, wrong Typology... and now...? Initiation...???

[whatā€™s going on here?]

well an initiation is a wake-up call... in fact, sometimes, itā€™s a nasty kick you outta bed experience...


but this line of the fairytale is saying:

[hey you! yeah! go to bed! yes, now! go to bed!! go to bed!]

thatā€™s just the opposite of an initiation... right?

[yes sir!]

yeah well, knowing something about each of the 4 functions of consciousness... and knowing that each family member is a caricature of one of those functions... the story itself becomes an initiation...


[I donā€™t get it]

see, this story ainā€™t no rude and nasty alarm clock... itā€™s way more gentle than that...

šŸ„š šŸ„š šŸ„š [wakey wakey eggs and bacey] šŸ„“ šŸ„“ šŸ„“

reading the story slowly introduces us to our own Feeling and Intuitive Functions...

[wake up!]

in fact, it isnā€™t so much waking them up... itā€™s waking us up to them...

[buongiorno! buongiorno!]

and itā€™s doing so by speaking not to our logical minds, but to our Intuition (and our Feelings)...

[wake up]

itā€™s gently nudging us awake from the sleep that Western Culture passive-aggressively demands of everyone...

[wake up!]

especially those of us who are by nature, Intuitive Feeling Types...

[why, why, why why?]

Jungian Depth Psychology tells us that each of the 4 cognitive functions is essential for our well-being... and trying to ignore or put any of them to sleep amounts to a repression... repression can easily lead to depression, or worse.

[pseudo-intellectual bullshit]

Psychobabble aside, this line shows us how something essential to our well-being and happiness got itself shoved into the Unconscious... and it wasnā€™t just the primal gods and goddesses, or the religious freedom to interact with them thatā€™s represented here... it was the human capacity to interact with the divine on our own terms, and according to our own nature and personality... which really means our own Typology... because what this story has to say about Germanic Paganism isn't anywhere near as important as what it says about religion itself... specifically, that religion is mankindā€™s way of dealing with the Unconscious.

[this is really confusing for me]

well itā€™s my contention that Intuition is how we deal with the Unconscious and with the Divine... and that makes organized religion mankindā€™s substitute for Intuition...

[you have loosen your mind much]

now Iā€™m an Intuitive... but Iā€™m not suggesting that Intuition should be a substitute for religion...

[why not?]

because it seems to me that there probably are, and maybe should be, as many different religions as there are Typologies. and that happens to be the same conclusion that Herder came to...!!!

[oh my god]

very close to the end of his life, Herder wrote:

"Don't people of different nationalities differ in everything...? Well, shouldn't religions...also naturally differ according to nationality?"

and then he takes that insight to the same level that Jung himself reached just over a century later with his concept of Individuation...

Herder wrote:

"...finally, every individual would have their own religion, just as they have their own heart, their own convictions, and their own language..."

[thatā€™s stupid]

šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ see: p. 49 Herder's Collected Works vol. 24

W. Unterscheiden sich Vƶlker nicht in Allem, in Poesie und Lust, in Physiognomie und Geschmack, in GebrƤuchen, Sitten und Sprachen? MuƟ Religion, die an diesem Allem Theil nimmt, sich also nicht auch national unterscheiden?

D. Selbst individuell; so daƟ am Ende Jeder seine Religion, wie sein Herz, seine Ueberzeugung und Sprache besƤƟe ā€”

šŸ¤­ šŸ¤­ šŸ¤­

Herder was talking about the human capacity to interact with the divine on our own terms... i.e. without the intercession of any middleman, or by virtue of somebody elseā€™s license or authority... which is, after all the profession of priests and rabbis... and a conventionally respected strategy for keeping themselves (and the franchise they represent) in business...


but even Jung recognized the necessity of such middlemen... because taking on the Unconscious for yourself and striving for Individuation is NOT for the faint of heart...

[and why not?]

Hey... consider what happened to Job... the guy who famously dealt direct with Big Jaws himself ā€” Yahweh...


Jung doesnā€™t say this outright, but my Intuition tells me that in between the lines of his book: Answer to Job, heā€™s telling us that the Book of Job might as well be an allegory of Individuation...

[no way]

believe me, Jungian analysis ainā€™t no cake-walk... the Individuation Process might sound all nice and New Age-y rainbows and Unicorns... itā€™s meant to be a kick in the ass initiation into learning how to deal direct with the Unconscious AND the Divine... just like Job...

[oh my god]

in fact, itā€™s so fraught, Jung often advised his Catholic would-be clients to go back to the Church... otherwise theyā€™d be jumping from the frying pan into the fire...

[did somebody do it?]

well, yeah, I did... jump, that is... and itā€™s taken me decades to realize the truth of what Jung meant...

anyway, the the truth of the matter is that aside from whatever time we Westerners might spend in a church or synagogue or mosque, we tend not to pay much attention to the Unconscious...

[do you often stop to ponder about how huge the universe is, and how insignificant we are?]

[no, I donā€™t want to]

well, regardless of how we think about it, this line of the fairytale mentions the simplest and most primal way we human beings deal with the Unconscious ā€” and on a daily basis:


We fall asleep. And sometimes, after a lot of tossing and turning, sleep letā€™s us forget what we wish to forget but are still responsible for. Hence, our mention of procrastination.

[Iā€™m still here. waiting!]

uh yeah, but on the plus side, in sleep we hear from the divine...

[no way]

oh yeah... and we do so by way of dreams...

in this culture, dreams are, for the most part, scoffed at or dismissed as "nothing but" figments of our own imagination...


šŸ˜“ šŸ˜“ šŸ˜“ Dreamy Gratuitous Aside:

This sleeping business in our fairytale, however, takes place in the morning, or at least sometime during the day. Taking a nap is certainly not abnormal, and when done with conscious intent (as in the often-cited case of Thomas Edison) still constitutes an act of will on the part of the conscious ego to allow for the marvelous and miraculous things that only sleep can provide in terms of solving the real-life problems of the moment.

in Answer to Job Jung gives one of his many mini-sermons on good reasons to interpret dreams and fairytales

(Answer to Job XVII paragraph. 738)

"There are, for example, conflicts of duty no one knows how to solve. ConĀ­sciousness only knows: tertium non datur! The doctor therefore advises his patient to wait and see whether the unconscious will not produce a dream which proposes an irrational and thereĀ­fore unexpected third thing as a solution. As experience shows, symbols of a reconciling and unitive nature do in fact turn up in dreams, the most frequent being the motif of the child-hero and the squaring of the circle, signifying the union of opposites. Those who have no access to these specifically medical experiĀ­ences can derive practical instruction from fairy tales, and parĀ­ticularly from alchemy. The real subject of Hermetic philosophy is the coniunctio oppositorum."

šŸ’¤ šŸ’¤ šŸ’¤

yeah well instead, they are gifts from those same gods who inhabit the Unconscious... both our personal and collective Unconscious... in fact somewhere along the line Jung called dreams sacramental... And I myself once had a dream confirming that very factā€¦

[oh, very nice]

it was astoundingly nice, believe me... But in this line of the fairytale, the conscious ego, represented by the parents, has no interest in the potential secrets and gifts of the Unconscious ā€” which are, by nature, unmediated sacraments...

this ego prefers to distance itself from those natural unmediated gifts in favor of the grace mediated by the Vatican... which, if you remember, is what the bread (and lack of it) in our story symbolizes...

[I remember]

and the Vatican is a Western European influence our fairytale author chose to portray in the narcissistic persona of Frau Holzhacker...

[you canā€™t do that]

Man, it seems, thinks that when the shit hits the fan, and when all else fails, he can either turn to his God or gods (via religion) or to the devil (via magic), but what heā€™s really doing is turning to the Unconscious, where he just might find both his own greatest Evil and his own greatest Good.

In other words, he finds the ultimate source of both Destructivity and Creativity and gets to choose which he prefers... except that choice is mostly an illusion since the Unconscious has far great power and control than our Conscious ego normally imagines...

[oh my god, this is too heavy... I canā€™t stand it]

yeah, I hear ya, but the fact remains the only choice the Conscious ego has is to relate to the Unconscious either in empathic humility or egoistic hubris... which is to say: narcissism... and this tale makes it clear how its author saw the Collective Consciousness of the time ā€” the Zeitgeist (which, btw was a neologism created by Herder...)

[oh wow]

our author saw the Culture, the Zeitgeist of the Enlightenment, choosing hubris and narcissism... even as that same Culture labeled the humanist mindset ā€” the mindset of our author and our authorā€™s circle ā€” as Irrational and Romantic...

[love, love, love. I fucking love you]

[nice line]

In our next episode...

well, Iā€™m not gonna predict or speculate... Iā€™m just gonna give you the next 3 lines of the fairytale...

Die Kinder setzen sich an das Feuer, und jedes aƟ sein StĆ¼cklein Brot. Sie warten lang bis es Nacht ward, aber die Eltern kamen nicht wieder.

The children sat down by the fire, and each ate their small slice of bread. They waited a long time. Night came on, but the parents didn't come back.

[awww... oh my god...]

well, there isnā€™t all that much we need to unpack in those lines... but the Grimmsā€™ revision... oh boy... weā€™ll have to see about that next time...

and donā€™t worry... Iā€™ll be back...

[if you insist]

uh, yeah... in the meantime, I think you know by now where you can find me...

but more importantly, thanks to my special guest stars for this episode:

THE Nicole Warner of German with Nicole...

Nicole is an excellent teacher of German and sheā€™s based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin... that famous Germanic stronghold of beer, brats and, uh, yeah, football nort of Chicago... you can find her on her website:

thanks, Nicole, for lending your voice to the narration of the fairytale...

thanks to JĆ¼rgen Lexow, voice teacher and storyteller extraordinaire ā€” for his rendering of famous german poets and philosophers in addition to his usual voicing of the Grimmsā€™ manuscript...

thanks to Susanne for providing the necessary warnings that keep us in compliance with those special podcast health regulations which may or may not exist...

thanks to Lynne for her limerical scurrility...

and as always, thanks toĀ Anna for being my part partner...

alrighty then... Ciao a tutti...

šŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¹ mean streets canada road theme šŸŽ¹ šŸŽ¶

[is the show really over?]

[ciao, ciao]

got a question, or just want to say hi...?

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Buy Me a Coffee at

*ChapterĀ Titles read by Anna Jacobsen*
*Original German Fairytale Reading by JĆ¼rgen Lexow*
*English translation of manuscript read by Nicole Warner*

Music Credits:

*šŸŽ¶*šŸŽ¶* Bleeping DemoĀ by Kevin MacLeod of

šŸŽ¶Ā Anachronist šŸŽ¶ by Kevin MacLeod and licensed underĀ

šŸŽ¶ apologize mister šŸŽ¶ courtesy of deleted_user_4338788 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

šŸŽ¶ krazy kage šŸŽ¶ courtesy of deleted_user_4338788 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

šŸŽ¶ Mean Streets Nails / Canada Road Theme šŸŽ¶ courtesy of deleted_user_4338788 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

kristo's awesome Peanut Gallery

(in order of appearance, and most, courtesy ofĀ

@00:14 "what kind of crap is this?"Ā courtesy of deleted_user_1390811Ā andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@00:16 "WARNING..." courtesy of Susanne ā€” a good friend of the podcast/(er)

@00:43 "oh well that's nice" courtesy of deleted_user_1390811Ā andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License


šŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¹ organ / church bell šŸ”” šŸŽ¶ @00:46

šŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¹ dramatic organ šŸŽ¹ šŸŽ¶ courtesy of Aeonemi and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

šŸŽ¶ šŸ”” deep church bell šŸ”” šŸŽ¶ courtesy of AeonemiĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License


@01:04 "it's been awhile" courtesy of qubodup and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@01:10 "you've certainly changed" courtesy of qubodup and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@01:26 "yes, yall" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@01:27 "...get the party started!" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@01:38 "alright already, get on with it!" courtesy of metrostock99 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@02:02 " BORING!"Ā - Homer Simpson

@02:11 šŸŽ¶ Jeremiah was... šŸŽ¶ 3 Dog Night - Joy to the World

@02:15 "this is lame"Ā courtesy of deleted_user_1390811Ā andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@02:17 "aye, I agree" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@02:24 "okay Boomer"Ā - Chlƶe Swarbrick

@03:07 "ja, ja, it's okayā€ courtesy of Roses1401 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@03:26 "Indeed" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@03:32 "and, finally!" courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@03:37 "that's not fair!" courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@03:40 "you'll regret that!" courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@03:52 "Why!" courtesy ofĀ Reitanna SeishinĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@04:36 "agreed" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@04:55 "aw, why?" courtesy of kurtless
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@05:25 "OMG" courtesy of Krystal Flores andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License

@05:42 "...push the limits" courtesy ofĀ Fynixx and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@05:57 "...children of the stars" courtesy ofĀ Fynixx and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@06:07 "Yes Sir!" courtesy of theuncertainmanĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@06:15 "No Sir!" courtesy of theuncertainmanĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@06:22 "yeah? what about it?"Ā - Joe McGrath

@06:33 "I don't know anymore" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@06:52 " me"Ā courtesy of itinerantmonk108Ā and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@07:10 "I don't think so" courtesy of deleted_user_1390811 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@07:24 "let's get to work" courtesy of pyro13djt and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@07:26 "Yes, I stand ready" courtesy of TRXoneĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

PART ONE / Teil einsĀ @07:37

@07:46 " What! You don't believe me?"Ā - Walter White

@07:57 "if you insist" courtesy of TRXoneĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@08:51 "What's that smell...??"Ā - Big Daddy

@08:54 "I don't know" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@08:56 deep sniff courtesy of itsadequateĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@08:59 "didn't you notice...??"Ā - Big Daddy

@09:03 ā€œwhat the fuck is that?ā€ courtesy of cheesepuffĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@09:05 "it's lies and liars"Ā - Brick Pollitt

@09:10 "yes, I'm well aware..." courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@09:13 "ahem"Ā courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@09:41 "No!" courtesy of theuncertainmanĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@10:10 "agreed" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@10:17 "why not?" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@10:25 " nothin' more powerful"Ā - Big Daddy

@10:28 "ugh! ew!" courtesy of isabellaquintero97 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@10:48 "oh no, not again!"Ā - John Hurt

@11:01 "how?ā€ courtesy of Roses1401 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@11:06 "huh...?" courtesy of deleted_user_2104797 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@11:12 "true, that..."Ā - Omar

@11:23 "I donā€™t think we should go down there" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@11:38 "aum..." courtesy of davis97266 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@12:05 kerplop courtesy of hello_flowers andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@12:07 "pyro13djt and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@12:28 "damn!" courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@12:41 "oh yeah..."Ā - Michael Knight

@12:49 "yes!" courtesy of TRXoneĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@12:59 "No!" courtesy of theuncertainmanĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@13:50 "my name is unimportant" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@14:37 "who cares?" courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@15:20 "I forgot my key..." courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@15:28 "ahem"Ā courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@15:42 "whatā€™s that?" courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@15:50 "alright" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@16:17"ooh!" courtesy ofĀ Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@16:45 šŸ„³ party horn šŸ„³ courtesy of beerre and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@16:47 "...not funny" courtesy ofĀ cognito perceptu andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@16:59 "ah, very good" courtesy of The Baron and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@17:19 "donut! - forbidden donut..."Ā - Homer Simpson

@17:26 "ahem"Ā courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@17:41 "throbbing biological urges"Ā - narrator

@17:44 "...well, then!" courtesy ofĀ Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@17:57 "Yes Sir!" courtesy of theuncertainmanĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@18:10 "like what?"Ā - Paulie Gualtieri

@18:14 "thatā€™s bad" courtesy ofĀ Reitanna Seishin andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@18:31 "Iā€™ll be back"Ā - Terminator

@18:35 "uh oh!" courtesy of DWOBoyle andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@18:50 "mendacity"Ā - Brick Pollitt

@19:07 "I did NOT order THAT" courtesy of itinerantmonk108 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@19:20 "this doesn't smell quite the way I expected" courtesy ofĀ cognito perceptu andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@19:23 "OMG!" courtesy ofĀ buggly and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@19:44 " draft"Ā - Roger Goodell

@19:53 "ahem"Ā courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

**** Detroit Cheer mix @20:25 ****

crowd yelling BS courtesy of alex36917 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

"...Detroit cheer"Ā - Rich Eisen


@20:46 "oh brother!" courtesy of max_cristos andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@21:17 šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø zombie choking sounds šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø courtesy of mrh4hn andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@21:22 "nasty...ā€ courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@22:02 "Sicilian message"Ā - Salvatore Tessio

@22:27 "I donā€™t know!"Ā courtesy of nuncaconci andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@23:08 "Puer, oh puer..."Ā - Marc Antony

@23:24 "ahem"Ā courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@24:14 šŸŽ¶ šŸ˜‡ amen choir šŸ˜‡ šŸŽ¶ courtesy of klankbeeld and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@24:31 "amen!" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@25:14 "What's your point?"Ā - George Costanza

@25:35 "...captain obvious" courtesy of cheesepuff and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@26:28 "holy shit!" courtesy of dream4dreamtheater andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@26:48 "...oh I love you" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@26:48 "ahem"Ā courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

PART TWO / Teil zweiĀ @26:59

@23:08 "Zwei Knaben..."Ā - Anna

@27:36 applauseĀ courtesy of jayfrostingĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@27:51 "Herman Munster!"Ā - Lily Munster

@27:54 "Who is Herman Munster?" - JĆ¼rgen Lexow

@28:07 "whoā€™s that?" courtesy of icclesteandĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@28:44 "but that is not all" courtesy of arytopia andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@26:53 "...oh I love you" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@28:57 "ahem"Ā courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@29:05 šŸ˜± 3 screams šŸ˜³ courtesy of FreqMan andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@29:31 "roger that" courtesy ofĀ theuncertainmanĀ and free
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

@29:38 "definitely" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@29:57 "I love you so much" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@30:33 "that sounds fine" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@30:48 "huh...?" courtesy of deleted_user_2104797 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@30:58 crowd oooh courtesy of deleted_user_2104797 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License</p

@31:27 "uhh, excuse you" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@31:32 "please, donā€™t do that" courtesy ofĀ girlhurl andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@31:52 "crowd - wow"Ā courtesy of jayfrostingĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@32:13 "I heard you..."Ā - Tony Soprano


šŸ• "I want my pizza...!!" šŸ• - mix @32:56

"I want my pizza right now..."Ā courtesy of Deathstardude andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

ambience of PineroloĀ courtesy of emanuele.caro andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License


@31:52 crowd - approvalĀ courtesy of jayfrostingĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@33:21 "In the Garden..." courtesy of Lynne ā€”Ā a good friend of the podcast/(er)

@33:36 applause courtesy of deleted_user_2104797 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@33:42 "that's so good!" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@33:50 "Ein Dichter..." - JĆ¼rgen Lexow

@33:56 applauseĀ courtesy of jayfrostingĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@34:04 crowd - gaspĀ courtesy of jayfrostingĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@34:30 "holy shit!" courtesy of AlienXXXĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@35:28 "it's terrible..." courtesy of unfa and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@35:32 ā€œitā€™s really terribleā€ courtesy of clivew andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@35:47 "I'm not sayin' nuthin'"Ā courtesy of Anzbot andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@35:57 "oh, thank you" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@36:04 "Umm, no thanks"Ā - Homer Simpson

@36:26 "oh, wow man" courtesy of bowlingballout and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@36:37 "why not?" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@37:07 "...the NY Yankees?"Ā - Lou Gehrig

@37:14 haunted chorus courtesy of tec_studioĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@37:16 "...Illuminati?" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@37:19 "ahem"Ā courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@38:00 "ooh la la!" courtesy ofĀ jppi_Stu andĀ
This work is licensed under theĀ Creative Commons Attribution License

@38:05 "Rede Deutsch...!" - JĆ¼rgen Lexow

@38:25 applause courtesy of FunWithSoundĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@38:53 "oh, very nice...ā€ courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@39:23 "no, really?ā€ courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@39:29 "love, love, love..." courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@39:46 "what is that?" courtesy of pyro13djtĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@40:02 "is that so?" courtesy of kurtless and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@40:36 "...interesting" courtesy ofĀ Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@40:49 "thank you"Ā courtesy of Legnalegna55 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@40:54 "my name is love..." courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@41:26 šŸŽ¶ shalom aleichem / שÖøׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם šŸŽ¶ courtesy of thatjeffcarterĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@41:44 "...I fucking love you" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@41:49 ā€œplease stop that!ā€ courtesy of DeathstardudeĀ and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@41:59 "hmm, what's that?" courtesy of pyro13djtĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@42:21 "WTF?" courtesy ofĀ buggly and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@42:24 "what the fuck does that mean?" courtesy of The Baron and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@42:38 "that's not good"Ā courtesy of Legnalegna55 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@43:15 "group-shocked - ooh!" courtesy of thanvannispen and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@43:29 "it shouldn't happenā€ courtesy of Roses1401 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@44:21 "yeah, whadda we mean by that?"Ā - Frank Nastase

@44:41 "what's wrong with that?"Ā - Tony Soprano

@45:12 "...power of the atom" courtesy ofĀ Fynixx and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@45:26 ā€œHow?ā€ courtesy of simons7er and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@45:46 "Mother's Lament"Ā - Cream

@45:55 "this is lame"Ā courtesy of deleted_user_1390811Ā andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@45:57 "yup!" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@46:36 "wow!" courtesy ofĀ jppi_Stu andĀ
This work is licensed under theĀ Creative Commons Attribution License

@46:58 ā€œOOOH!!!ā€ - Johnny Vincente

@47:08 ā€œnonsense!ā€ courtesy of afterguardĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@47:37 "can you please explain..."Ā - AI Frenchie

@48:05 "Anschauende Vernunft...!" - JĆ¼rgen Lexow

@48:15 "oh mein gott..." courtesy of Roses1401 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@48:55 "oh God! oh Jesus!" courtesy of Reitanna SeishinĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@49:23 "thinking not your strong point...?" courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@51:17 silly blathering courtesy of Reitanna SeishinĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@51:21 "that is fine..." courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@51:30 "oh, no!" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@52:01 "oh, really?" courtesy of xyahka and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@52:49 "yeah, so what?" courtesy of deleted_user_1390811Ā andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@53:01 "how do you know that?" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@54:25 "you can't be serious"Ā courtesy of nuncaconci andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@55:05 "what are you talking about?" courtesy of laelizondo and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@56:41 "holy shit!" courtesy of dream4dreamtheater andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@56:43 "WTF!" courtesy of Magic-CapĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@57:01bollocks... courtesy ofĀ RoivasUGOĀ and
This work is licensed under theĀ Creative Commons Attribution License

@57:51 "how do you know that?" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@58:53 crowd - startledĀ courtesy of jayfrostingĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@59:04 "...shut your yapper!" courtesy of Airborne80 andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@59:26 "I paid $5 to hear THAT?" courtesy of cattygirl100000000000000000000 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

PART THREE / Teil dreiĀ @59:26


@59:49 "wake the fuck up!"Ā - James Dalton

@59:52 "How rude!"Ā - Q

@1:00:01 šŸŽ¶ alarm clock šŸŽ¶ courtesy of gecop Ā andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@01:00:03 ā€œtime to make the donutsā€ - Fred the Baker

@1:00:07 " donut! forbidden donut"Ā - Homer Simpson

@1:00:23 "whatā€™s going on here?"Ā - Juror 10

@1:00:35 "owwww!ā€ courtesy of xtrgamr and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@1:00:41 ā€œhey you, go to bed!ā€ courtesy of cafenoarĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@1:00:55 "Yes Sir!" courtesy of theuncertainmanĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@1:01:11 "(confused) whaat...??" courtesy of Alivvie and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:01:13 "I don't get it" courtesy of Krystal Flores andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License

@1:01:22 "wakey, wakey...!"Ā courtesy of Anzbot andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:01:32 "wake upā€¦"Ā courtesy of LadyImperatrix andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:01:39 "buongiorno...!"Ā courtesy of Anzbot andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:01:53 "wake upā€¦"Ā courtesy of LadyImperatrix andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:02:03 "wake upā€¦"Ā courtesy of LadyImperatrix andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:02:10 "why, why, why, why?" courtesy ofĀ Reitanna Seishin and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:02:33 "pseudo-intellectual bullshit"Ā courtesy of deleted_user_1390811Ā andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@1:03:29 "...confusing for me" courtesy of Krystal Flores andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License

@1:03:45 "you have losen your mind" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:03:56 "why not?"Ā courtesy of nuncaconci andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:04:13 "oh my godā€ courtesy of Roses1401 and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@1:04:51 "that's stupid" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:05:22 ā€œOOOH!!!ā€ - Johnny Vincente

@1:05:39 "and why not?" courtesy of annadnewby andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:05:50 "nyaaaahh..."Ā - Curly

@1:06:07 "no way" courtesy of kathid andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@1:06:33 "OMG!" courtesy ofĀ buggly and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:06:48 "did somebody...?" courtesy of Krystal Flores andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling+ License

@1:07:11 "no way" courtesy of kathid andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@1:06:33 "no, I don't want to" courtesy ofĀ PacificSea and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:07:35 "how?"Ā courtesy of nuncaconci andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:07:51 "I'm still here, waiting!" courtesy of pyro13djt and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:08:03 "no way!" courtesy ofĀ owly-bee and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@1:08:18 "naturally" courtesy of bectec and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:08:44 "oh, very nice...ā€ courtesy of ballOOnhead and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:09:43 "you canā€™t do that!" courtesy of R_mac andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@1:10:31 "oh my god, this is too heavy, I can't stand it" courtesy of tekgnosis Ā andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:11:03 "crowd - wow"Ā courtesy of jayfrostingĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:11:27 "...I fucking love you" courtesy of Duisterwho and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:11:33 "nice line" courtesy of RichieMcMullen and
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:12:10 awwwĀ courtesy of jayfrostingĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

@1:12:32 "if you insist" courtesy of TRXoneĀ andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

@01:14:14 " over?ā€ courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License

"ciao, ciao" courtesy of Nighteller andĀ
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

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Episode 36 - Cā€™mon Baby, Light My Fire /Ā Episode 38 - All You Need Is Love, Right?